Dog Breeds
List of All Dog Breeds From A to Z
There are more than 500 dog breeds in the world, and new ones appear every year. The selection from SharPei-Online lists all dog breeds in alphabetical order with names and photos. The list will be useful not only for those who want to know the name of a particular breed, but also for those who are seriously considering what kind of dog to buy. Read the descriptions of the breeds you like, learn about their main characteristics, history, features of upbringing and care, illnesses, tips on choosing a puppy, watch photos and videos with typical representatives. To make it easier to compare breeds with each other, use the filter . Making a choice with both heart and mind, you will acquire a furry friend for many years, suitable for you in terms of temperament and conditions of detention.
Dogs are the most popular pets. Only cats can compete with them . Dogs have lived for centuries next to man, tirelessly proving their devotion and love to him. The whole variety of breeds can be divided into aboriginal – appeared by natural selection, and cultural – bred by breeders. Native species are quite independent, capable of making independent decisions, and not very good at training, while specially bred breeds are more human-oriented and tend to learn quickly. Depending on what kind of work the dog is capable of performing, service , hunting , watchdog , fighting , shepherd ,decorative rocks. It is difficult to overestimate the help of these animals to people, especially since many of them become faithful companions, ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the owner. And humanity knows how to be grateful: films are made about dogs, books are dedicated to them and monuments are erected. A striking example was the film “Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend”, based on the true story of the dog breed Akita Inu . The melodrama has inspired millions of people – after watching, probably, everyone wanted to get a similar dog.
Connoisseurs of dogs as a cultural heritage of different countries can consider Russian , Japanese , German , English , American , Chinese and French breeds.
All dog breeds can be classified according to size. Traditionally, breeds are divided into small , medium and large . At the same time, toys, dwarf and small breeds fall into the group of small pets, and large and giant individuals belong to large dogs. Size is one of the main criteria for whether a dog is suitable for an apartment. But not the only one: the character of the pet is no less important.
In the catalog of breeds, you can choose dogs with certain qualities: smart , calm , kind , evil , dangerous . Silence lovers will appreciate non-barking breeds. Although external attractiveness is a subjective concept, we have selected beautiful and cute dog breeds, focusing on the opinions of site users. Thanks to the filter, you can choose popular or, conversely, rare breeds, as well as look at those dogs that have appeared relatively recently.
To roughly imagine how much hair will remain from a dog in a house or apartment, use tags such as fluffy , shaggy , smooth -haired , curly , bald .
Another question that worries future owners: how much does a dog of a particular breed cost? Of course, a lot depends on the class of the puppy, the popularity of his parents and the kennel, but in order to have a general idea, we have selected inexpensive and expensive breeds. Dogs that do not fall into any group belong to the middle price segment.
It is impossible to say unequivocally which breed of dog is the best – for everyone it is different. Whether you get a cheerful Beagle , the Queen’s pet Pembroke Welsh Corgi , a good-natured Golden Retriever or a tiny Spitz – the main thing is that he is loved by you and your family members!