Characteristics of Kromfohrländer
Country of origin | Germany |
The size | Average |
Growth | 38-46 cm |
Weight | 11–14 kg |
Age | 12–14 years old |
FCI breed group | Decorative and companion dogs |
Brief information
- Energetic, mobile;
- A very rare breed even at home, in Germany;
- Both wire-haired and short-haired dogs are allowed by the standard.
Cromfohrlender is one of the youngest German breeds. It is believed that the first half-breed of a fox terrier and a large Vendée griffon appeared during the Second World War. At the same time, breeders managed to achieve the same type of puppies in ten years. So, in the International Cynological Federation , the breed was registered in 1955.
Kromforlender has a lively temperament, it is a restless and agile dog. However, she is calm and balanced, she shows emotions brightly, but without tantrums.
Kromforländer is a devoted companion for both families with children and single people. It is important that the owner of a dog of this breed be an active person, because animals will require long walks and sports from him .
A quick-witted and attentive Cromforlander learns commands with interest. Breeders emphasize that he grasps information on the fly. In the process of training , you need to establish contact with the dog so that the student trusts the teacher and obeys him. And a loving owner can easily cope with this. Therefore, even a beginner can train a dog of this breed.
The Cromforlander is often seen in agility , obedience and frisbee competition . Love for training and excellent physical parameters are the key to the success of his performance.

Cromforlander is a family dog. He treats all households equally well, while highlighting children. In general, a good-natured and cheerful pet quickly gets used to the company of kids, especially if the dog grew up among them. But the main thing for the Kromforlander is still the leader of the pack, which is the owner.
Representatives of the breed do not tolerate a long separation from a person. Leaving them alone is highly discouraged. A yearning dog becomes uncontrollable, unsociable, refuses food and makes poor contact. By the way, Cromforlander is great for travel! It easily adapts to new conditions, so you can even go hiking with it.
The hunting instincts of the Cromforlander are poorly developed. Therefore, he easily finds a common language with other pets in the house, including cats and rodents. By the way, on a walk, he, as a rule, behaves calmly, practically does not react to the surrounding animals. True, for this it is necessary to deal with the puppy – already at the age of two or three months it is time to introduce him to the street.Kromfohrländer Care
Cromforlander is an unpretentious dog. The main thing in caring for him is weekly combing . During the molting period, the dog needs to be combed more often – a couple of times a week.
It is important to monitor the condition of the eyes and teeth of the pet. They are recommended to be inspected and cleaned approximately once a week. To keep your dog’s teeth healthy, special hard treats should be given to him .
Conditions of detention
The Kromforlander is suitable for keeping in an apartment, but only on condition of regular long walks, at least twice a day. It is better to engage with the dog not only in running: on the sports ground, it can be interested in fetching and various exercises.
Kromfohrländer – Video