Styrian Coarse-haired Hound
Characteristics of Styrian Coarse-haired Hound
Country of origin | Austria |
The size | Average |
Growth | 45–53 cm |
Weight | 17–24 kg |
Age | 10–13 years old |
FCI breed group | Hounds and related breeds |
Brief information
- Balanced and peaceful animals;
- Energetic and reckless hunters, need physical activity and training;
- The breed is also known under many other names, for example: Styrian broad-haired brakk or paintinger brakk (in honor of the creator of the breed Karl Paintinger).
The Coarse-haired Hound is a fairly rare breed of dog native to Austria. Brakk is the common name for a group of European cops, and chesty is an indication of the shape of the cheeks.
The Austrian brawny bracken was bred in the 19th century by passionate hunters. The breeders of the cops needed a dog that could perfectly navigate the mountainous terrain, have a sensitive ear and scent, was not only mobile and energetic, but also obedient. The Austrian Broadhaired Brakk is the result of crossing three hound breeds: the Istrian Coarsehair, the Bavarian Hanoverian Bloodhound and the Black and Tan.
Today, this breed is rarely found even in its homeland – in Austria. Infrequently, it can be found as a companion. These dogs, as a rule, belong to avid hunters, who cultivate the breed, improving its working qualities.
The Styrian Coarse-haired Hound cannot boast of a special appearance. A strong and agile dog is valued primarily for unpretentiousness, good character and the ability to quickly adapt to any situation.

Representatives of the breed are calm, intelligent and balanced. This dog does not bark in vain, usually indifferent to strangers. Most animals are friendly and open. They are inquisitive and sociable.
In work, the Austrian busty Brakk has no equal. A hardy and purposeful dog will pursue prey to the last. Most often they go with him to the fox, hare and wild boar.
As you might guess, the Austrian busty Brakk is a team player. He easily gets along with other animals if he grew up with them. However, due to well-developed hunting instincts, the dog can react to cats and rodents.
For children, the Austrian broad-haired Brakk is neutral. Therefore, how the pet will feel next to the child depends entirely on the owner. Like other dogs, representatives of this breed need timely socialization and education .
Styrian Coarse-haired Hound Care
The Austrian brawny Brakk is absolutely unpretentious in content. The main thing is to monitor the cleanliness and condition of his coat. Especially carefully you need to comb the dog after hunting and active walks, removing dirt and grass.
In addition, every week you need to examine and clean your pet’s eyes in time, as well as brush your teeth .
Conditions of detention
The Austrian Broadhaired Brakk is absolutely not a city dog. He will not be able to live in an apartment, even a spacious one. He needs fresh air, long walks and long runs, sports. In addition, this dog, like no other, needs practical training in hunting, so having him as a companion and depriving him of the opportunity to show abilities and follow instinct is a bad idea.
Styrian Coarse-haired Hound – Video