Border Collie
Characteristics of Border Collie
Country of origin | Great Britain |
The size | average |
Growth | 50-56 cm at the withers |
Weight | 25–30 kg |
Age | 12–14 years old |
FCI breed group | herding and cattle dogs, except Swiss cattle dogs |
Brief information
- Very loyal dogs that are ready to constantly serve the owner;
- Disciplined and easy to train;
- With the owner, they are affectionate and friendly, but they treat strangers with distrust and aggression.
History of the breed
The Border Collie is native to the British Isles. Their ancestors are considered to be the shepherd dogs of peasants whose houses were near the border with Scotland. That is why the name of the breed is translated as “border collie”. The very word “Collie” comes from the Celtic language and means “useful”.
Initially, these picky and obedient animals grazed herds in the hilly regions of Scotland and Wales, and also guarded the houses of peasants, of no interest to the British nobility. Everything changed in 1860 at one of the exhibitions, which was attended by Queen Victoria. After this acquaintance, several representatives of the species were settled in Buckingham Palace.

The most famous ancestor of the Borders was a tricolor dog named Old Hump, who lived at the end of the 19th century. He possessed exceptional intelligence and good looks, for which he was honored to be considered the standard of the breed. It was his numerous descendants, having inherited the best characteristics, who received titles at exhibitions and became champions.
In 1915, the breed was officially registered, at the same time the term “border collie” was used for the first time. However, the appearance standard was approved only a few decades later.
Currently, the breed is very popular and has many fans, especially among farmers. The first representatives of the Border Collie came to Russia from Italy in the late nineties of the XX century.
Border collies are not just active dogs. Their energy can be compared to a hurricane. In fact, this is a kind of perpetual motion machine: they constantly need to run somewhere and do something. This is a rare type of dog that cannot sit idle. If representatives of some other breeds are happy to sleep on a sofa or bedding, then the border collie will categorically reject this option of rest.
At the same time, border collies are very reluctant to find activities on their own. These dogs believe that the owner should organize their time. Therefore, they will literally pursue him and share all his activities if he does not come up with a worthy alternative for the dog.

It is worth noting that if there is no occupation for the dog, she will still find on her own what to do with herself. But you should be prepared that its energy may well result in some kind of catastrophic destruction: the dog may start to gnaw everything or dig if it is left alone in the yard of a country house.
At the same time, you need to understand that border collies are very smart, friendly, they are easy to train and are happy to take on any job, whether it is grazing small livestock, guarding a suitcase or a child of the owner.
The main difficulty is that you need to constantly find activities for this dog. This is the only workaholic dog in the world that will do whatever the owner instructs her to do.

Description of the border collie
These are animals of medium size, strong and hardy, while elegant and graceful. Their expressive clear look speaks of an extremely high intelligence.
Males grow up to 56 cm at the withers, females – up to 53 cm. The head is wide, the occipital part is smoothed. The muzzle is pointed towards the nose. Jaws strong, scissor bite. The eyes are oval, set wide apart. The color of the iris is brown; blue is allowed in harlequin dogs. The look is smart, deep. The ears are triangular, set wide apart, can be either erect or semi-erect, movable. The color of the nose depends on the color, the nose itself is small.
The neck is elongated, strong, with a slight bend. The chest is powerful, the back is strong. The hind limbs are stronger than the front ones. The tail is of medium length, with a curved tip. Set low, should not rise above the level of the back. Wool can be either long or short. There is an undercoat. Long-haired individuals have the so-called fluffy “pants”, “collar”, “feathers” on their paws. Color can be anything. Only one condition must be met: white areas should occupy no more than 50% of the entire body. Black and white colors are the most common.

The Border Collie has a long, fine coat that needs to be brushed 2-3 times a week. Otherwise, it falls off, and then it is very difficult to put it in order. During the molting period, the coat requires more attention from the owner.
This is the only difficulty that the owner may face in the process of caring for a dog. Even the claws do not need special attention – they are ground down to the desired length. Therefore, if the owner skipped nail clipping or forgot about it, this will not cause discomfort or discomfort in the dog.
Conditions of detention
The Border Collie cannot live within four walls. In addition to communication with the owner, which is vital for her, it is also very important for her to ensure a sufficient level of activity. This dog is built for movement, so he needs games, long walks and constant active activities, such as regular runs with his owner over rough terrain.
Dogs of the Border Collie breed feel comfortable in country houses, small farms and farms. But at the same time, the border collie needs its own place. This dog will be able to live in the yard in an equipped booth, provided that it is warm enough. In winter, these dogs are best kept at home.

Predisposition to disease
The Border Collie is a hardy breed known for its excellent health. However, certain diseases are characteristic of these dogs. Most often observed:
- hip dysplasia;
- collie eye anomaly – hereditary pathologies in the development of the organs of vision, characteristic of different types of collies. There is also a tendency to blindness;
- epilepsy;
- dissecting osteochondritis – a violation of the blood supply to the subcartilaginous layer of the joint, followed by exfoliation of the cartilaginous tissue;
- congenital deafness.
Borders are sensitive to some anesthetics due to their low body fat content. Without regular exercise, dogs will suffer from obesity.
Border collie prices
Purebred puppies with a minor marriage can be sold for 25-30 thousand rubles. On average, prices range from 50 to 60 thousand, with chocolate border collies being valued higher. Puppies of titled parents, intended for breeding, cost at least 70 thousand.
Photo border collie

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