Czechoslovakian Wolfdog (Československý vlčák)
Other names: Czechoslovakian Wolfhound
The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog (Czechoslovakian Wolfdog) is a large dog with versatile working qualities, bred by crossing a German Shepherd with a Carpathian wolf. To date, does not apply to hybrid breeds. Included in the group of shepherd and cattle dogs.
- Characteristics of Czechoslovakian Wolfdog
- Basic moments
- History of the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog breed
- Czechoslovakian wolfdog breed standard
- Photo of the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog
- The nature of the Czechoslovak wolfdog
- Education and training
- Maintenance and care
- Health and disease of Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs
- How to choose a puppy
- Photos of czechoslovakian wolfdog puppies
- The price of the Czechoslovak wolfdog
Characteristics of Czechoslovakian Wolfdog
Country of origin | Former Republic of Czechoslovakia |
The size | large |
Growth | not less than 60 cm |
Weight | from 20 kg |
Age | 12–15 years old |
FCI breed group | guard and racing dogs |
Basic moments
- The right to be considered the birthplace of the breed is shared by two countries – the Czech Republic and Slovakia, since the formation of the phenotype fell on a period of time when both states were part of the Czechoslovak Republic.
- Like all dominant breeds, Czechoslovakian wolfdogs do not get along well with fellow tribesmen, so it is better to select opposite-sex pairs of pets for keeping in the same territory.
- The high level of intelligence of the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog does not allow it to follow the path of blind obedience, which complicates the training process.
- The opinion that Czechoslovak wolfdogs cannot bark is erroneous. In fact, animals prefer other ways of communication – body movements, whining, howling. Dogs try to make barking sounds only on special occasions, which gave rise to the corresponding stereotype.
- The breed is characterized by courage and the ability to make independent decisions in extreme situations. For example, unlike the Sarlos wolfdog, the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog does not retreat in the event of a real threat, so you can successfully complete ZKS courses with him.
- Hypodynamia and boredom do not threaten the owner of the Czechoslovakian wolfdog. The dog needs systematic exercise, as well as long walks, compensating for the lack of physical activity with destructive behavior and annoying howling.
- Crossbreeding wolfdog ancestors with the Carpathian wolf increased not only endurance, but also life expectancy of animals up to 15-18 years.
- The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is a great pet for remote workers and a very poor choice for owners who work outside the home. The fact is that representatives of this breed categorically cannot stand separation from a person and, remaining alone, arrange pogroms in their homes.

The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is a confident leader and a devoted companion, with whom the everyday life of the owner will always be extremely intense. Picking up the key to the heart of this gray intellectual is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to immediately let the pet understand that he will not be the senior comrade in any endeavors. Constant communication with a person, as well as an active lifestyle are the main pleasures for the Czechoslovakian wolfdog. The key to comfortable coexistence with the breed is, first of all, the desire to contact the animal, anticipating its needs and aspirations.
History of the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog breed

Vlchak is the “result” of a carefully planned experiment conducted by a group of Czechoslovak breeders in 1955-1965. The reason that prompted dog handlers to create a new breed was the increased need for guard dogs capable of serving at the border. In most European countries, German shepherds were involved in this work , which at that time had one serious drawback – the breed was “retiring” too quickly. As a result, even healthy 8-year-olds could not compete with young shepherd dogs: the animals lost their visual acuity and sense of smell, quickly got tired, and showed a slow reaction when detaining violators.
To get more hardy “servants”, German Shepherds decided to cross with Carpathian wolves. The project was led by colonel and cynologist Karel Hartl, who had previously been involved in “pumping” the phenotype of Czech terriers. The first hybrid litter of puppies was born in 1958 – his wolf she-wolf Brita and German shepherd male Chezar became his parents . The second time Brita’s partner was the dog Kurt, whose offspring also turned out to be viable and fully met the requirements. Further, experiments on breeding wolf dogs continued in a slightly modified form: the female of the puppies became the mother of the German Shepherd , and the father was the Carpathian wolf.
By the 80s, the Czech Wolfdog smoothly transformed from a purely service breed into a universal one. The formation of the working qualities of its representatives began to be engaged not in the military, but in cynologists, which also left its mark on the temperament of animals. In 1982, the descendants of the Carpathian wolf and the German Shepherd got their own club, and 7 years later they approved the final version of the breed standard.
An important nuance: since for several decades wolfdogs have been bred only “in themselves” (the last crossing with a wolf took place in 1983), they are not classified as potentially dangerous to humans as wolfdog-type hybrids.
Video: Czechoslovakian Wolfdog
Czechoslovakian wolfdog breed standard

All members of the family have a strong external resemblance to wolves, but differ from the well-known half-breeds – wolfdog and wolfhund. According to the type of constitution, Czechoslovakian wolfdogs are closer to shepherd dogs, therefore they have a less brutal appearance than true hybrid individuals. The minimum allowable height for a male is 65 cm; for a bitch – 60 cm. Sexual dimorphism is also reflected in the weight of animals. If a male Czechoslovakian wolfdog cannot weigh less than 26 kg, then for “girls” this is more than a decent bar, since for them the lower limit of body weight is only 20 kg.
The skull is arched, rounded in front and sides. With a pronounced occipital protuberance, the frontal furrow is smoothed and practically not noticeable. The stop is medium-relief, the narrow muzzle is complemented by a straight bridge of the nose. Cheekbones without characteristic bulge, but muscular and developed.
The lobe fits perfectly into the shape of an oval. The skin color of the nose is uniform black.
Lips, jaws, teeth
Lips closely adjacent to the jaws do not form hanging “pockets” at the corners, and their edges are painted in a rich black tone. Jaws set symmetrically in a level or scissor bite. The teeth are large, with massive developed fangs. The number of teeth approved by the standard is 42.
The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog should have slanting and small eyes, with an amber-tinted iris. The eyes are covered with dense dry eyelids.

Short, classic triangular shape. The thin ear flap is always kept in a standing position. An important breed feature: an imaginary straight line can be drawn between the outer corners of the eyes and the outer corners of the ears.
The neck of the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is elongated, dry, with dense, well-palpable muscles. The norm of inclination of the neck to the horizon is up to 40 °.

The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is distinguished by its strong build and rather high stature. The back of the dog is straight, with a slight slope. With pronounced withers, the topline is as smooth as possible. A short, not protruding loin is connected to an almost horizontal, well-developed and equally short croup. The pear-shaped chest is not lower than the level of the elbow joints, the front of the chest never protrudes beyond the line of the shoulders. The belly, which is sunken from the sides, is strongly tucked up, which gives the silhouette of the animal a pleasant grace.
The front legs of the dog are located close to each other, while the paws are slightly turned outward. The shoulder blades form an angle of about 65°. The shoulders are developed, the elbows are movable, strong, held tightly to the body. The forearms and pasterns are elongated.
The hind limbs of the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog are quite powerful, parallel to each other. Massive long hips form an angle of 80 ° with the pelvic bones. Flexible knee joints pass into muscular long shins. Articulations are strong, with angles of 130°. Metatarsus are almost vertical.
The paws of the dog are elongated, with arched toes ending in strong black claws. The animal moves at an amble (in a calm state) or at a trot (in an excited state), stretching its neck and head forward.
High rise, hanging down. In an excited dog, the tail takes the form of a sickle and rises.
Czechoslovakian wolfdogs have a pronounced seasonality of cover. In winter, the coat is thick with a puffy layer of undercoat, which is noticeably larger than the guard hair. By summer, the volume of the undercoat decreases, but the outer coat remains quite thick and dense.
A suit of any tone is possible in the range from silver gray to yellowish gray. On the muzzle of the wolfdog there is a light mask. Other areas with bleached coat: chest, inside of the neck. Not always, but a dark gray color with a clarified mask is allowed.
Disqualifying vices

- Cowardice or emphasized aggressive behavior.
- Loss of teeth (the absence of two PM1, one M3 is not counted).
- Fragile ligaments.
- Any color other than those specified in the standard.
- Irregular shape of the skull.
- Croup with a sharp slope.
- The presence of a suspension.
- Wool does not adhere to the skin, has a soft or wavy structure.
- Wrong set tail.
- Ears of an atypical shape, set too high or low.
- The eyes are not slanting, but rounded.
- Incorrect position of the legs or the shape of the chest.
Exterior defects for which the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog receives a low score at the show: flat forehead, unexpressed mask, short undulating movements, weak muscles. A dark brown iris, odd eyes, an overly heavy or light head are also penalized.
Photo of the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

The nature of the Czechoslovak wolfdog
Thanks to competent selection work, wolfdogs did not turn into ferocious brutals with the habits of forest predators. Moreover, they absorbed only the best qualities of wild ancestors – amazing endurance, heightened intuition, high intellectual performance. However, living side by side with a representative of this breed imposes a number of obligations and in many ways differs from coexistence with a German Shepherd . As an example, Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs have a phenomenal suspicion, and their alertness and readiness to repel an attack extend to any strangers. Accordingly, if a new family member has appeared in the house, the animal will not be able to get rid of the feeling of distrust towards him soon.

The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is selflessly devoted to its owner. True, it should be clarified here: the pet will adore the person who proved his worth and did not allow the animal to “steer” the situation. If other “tails” live in the house, the wolfdog will definitely try to climb to the top of the hierarchical pyramid in order to command from there everyone who allows himself to be subdued. The dog will even try to turn small pets into prey if it is not stopped in time, so there is definitely no place for guinea pigs and domestic rabbits on the same territory as the Czechoslovak wolfdog.
In addition, this is one of the breeds, representatives of which do not have a special love for children. A child in the understanding of a wolf dog is a creature that is at a higher level of development than a cat, but much lower in level than an adult. Starting a Czechoslovakian wolfdog in a family with small children is an unjustified risk, especially if the relationship between the kids and the pet is not controlled by adults. Remember that representatives of this family react extremely painfully to disrespectful attitude on the part of the children. So if a descendant of the Carpathian wolf lives in the house, explain to the children that hugging, pulling the tail and riding a lying pet on horseback are fraught not only with tattered boots, but with a trip to the emergency room.
Today’s Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs are universal dogs, capable of guarding housing, repelling an attacking intruder, and setting the tone for agility. True, in order for all the listed skills to “work” correctly, instincts alone are not enough – professional training is necessary. Ordinary dog pranks are not alien to animals either. And since, intellectually, the Czechoslovak wolfdogs are ahead of most breeds, their pranks are more thoughtful. For example, teenage dogs masterfully open the doors of kitchen cabinets and gates, masterfully steal food, and also seep into any holes that do not correspond to their dimensions.
Education and training
On your mind – this is how you can characterize the behavior of the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog when it has to be included in the educational process. On the one hand, the wolfdog is intellectually gifted, therefore he comprehends the basic “wisdom” much faster than the same shepherd dogs. On the other hand, the breed is disgusted by useless activities, to which its representatives include any repeatedly repeated commands and requirements. You need to train the dog very carefully, without trying to fashion an ideal “servant” out of it.

Often, owners who do not have experience in raising dominant breeds give the animal to cynological centers for individual lessons with specialists, while they themselves are completely eliminated. However, the results of such training can be unpleasantly surprising. For example, many organizations do not take into account the wild genes of the Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs, applying the same upbringing methods to them as to German Shepherds . As a result, the dog turns into a controlled “robot” with psychological problems that will sooner or later make themselves felt. Therefore, if your own strength is not enough to train the wolfdog, contact a specialist, but always be present at the classes and monitor the emotional and mental state of the pet.
If you do not plan to raise a guard dog from your pet, the ZKS course can be neglected. But OKD is worth going through, even if your dog is an ordinary pet. Czechoslovak wolfdogs work only for motivation, and for each individual it is different: someone is ready to execute a command for a treat, and someone will have to pick up another key, which, most likely, will not work out the first time. The usual difficulty for wolfdog breeders is working out the “Voice!” command. The fact is that this highly intelligent breed rarely uses barking, preferring other means of communication to it. As a result, mastering a skill takes more time and effort than expected.
The stubbornness and unwillingness of the pet to engage should also be taken adequately. Any Czechoslovakian Wolfdog has a period when he wants to control others – usually this is the time of puberty. In such cases, it is better to loosen control a little, give the animal a little more freedom and more often switch his attention to other activities – games, sports, just walks. However, one should not give up the throne of the leader to the “tail” under any pretext – the descendants of the Carpathian wolves are cunning and will not miss the opportunity to play on the master’s weaknesses. A good help in training will also be the book of Claudia Fugazza “Do as I do”. The author has many years of experience with Czechoslovakian wolfdogs. Many of the techniques described in the book have been successfully worked out on this particular breed.
Maintenance and care
There is an opinion that the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is a dog that values freedom and does not take root in city apartments. In fact, the breed is not as demanding of space as they like to attribute to it: a regularly walked animal that receives the necessary physical activity and enough master’s attention behaves calmly and unassumingly. Breeders claim that a physically laid out wolfdog generally “merges” with the surrounding interior.

Loneliness for the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is the number one phobia that cannot be cured, but can be slightly corrected. Of course, leaving a ward for half a day without receiving torn curtains as a “bonus”, as well as complaints from neighbors about the infernal howl, is an impossible mission. But to accustom an animal to spend an hour or two without an owner in a disciplined manner is quite realistic.
At first, a cell will help to avoid apartment pogroms. But keep in mind that Czechoslovak wolfdogs quickly “take apart” standard designs for spare parts, and they manage to open the heck, so choose the shelter that is most durable and protected from dog teeth. In suburban conditions, an aviary will become such a limiter of movements, which can be built independently, or can be ordered in a ready-made form.
The minimum required number of daily walks for the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is two, lasting 1.5 hours each. You can walk more – walk, less – no, if you do not want a hurricane to live at home, turning it upside down. To help your dog discharge, involve him in games and sports, invent new areas of activity, for example, sledding, running after a bicycle, lightly towing objects.
Working with the thick, dense coat of the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog will be minimal. Twice a year, the breed sheds profusely, but the hair does not fall out, but simply lags behind the body. At this time, the pet must be combed daily, and the dead undercoat should be removed with a slicker brush. Wolfdogs do not need frequent bathing: their “fur coats” remarkably repel dust and do not absorb liquid mud. As a result, all contaminants remain on the top layer of the skin and are removed from it in a natural way. It is best to wash the dog during the shedding period: it is easier to remove the lagging undercoat.
Puppies need to be bathed more often: little wolfdogs are not particularly neat and often get dirty in food bowls, as well as their own excrement, turning into a walking source of unpleasant odors. Small sluts are not treated with special means, so as not to remove the protective grease: just wash off the dirt from the wool with a stream of warm water. Ear cleaning with special drops and lotions is carried out only with the accumulation of sulfur. Just like that, “polishing” the hearing organs of the Czechoslovak wolfdog is not only useless, but also harmful.
The eyes of the breed are healthy, so the only hygienic procedure recommended for them is preventive wiping with a clean cloth dipped in chamomile decoction. Teeth brushing is also desirable, but it is not always possible to accustom a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog to it. If the number with toothpaste and brush does not work, use auxiliary means: hard treats that work as abrasives, tomato juice, or ready-made plaque removers added to drinking water.

Both natural food and industrial dog food have both fans and detractors. Although experts who have been working with the breed for a long time recommend making a choice in favor of natural products. The fact is that the body of the Czechoslovak wolfdogs does not absorb starch, which is often added to the “drying”. As a result, switching to industrial feed can be accompanied by diarrhea and other unpleasant symptoms. Choosing a brand that is suitable for a dog will have to be done exclusively by experience, which is not always convenient. With a natural diet, problems, as a rule, do not arise, unless you transfer your pet to it from dry food. In this case, an adaptation period, accompanied by indigestion, is quite likely.
The nutritional base for the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is meat and its waste: weathered substandard, cartilage, scar. For puppies who are changing their teeth, it is useful to occasionally nibble on a sugar bone. Once a week, instead of meat, it is allowed to give boneless sea fish. Cereal porridge in meat broth is not prohibited, but their share in dog food should be small, about 20%. Also, veterinarians advise supplementing the natural menu with vitamin complexes, but, as the experience of breeders shows, sometimes special preparations can be replaced with more affordable products. Usually, it is recommended to “vitaminize” the diet of Czechoslovak wolfdogs with chicken yolk, brewer’s yeast, linseed oil, and fish oil.
Health and disease of Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs

The genes of the Carpathian wolf made the wolfdogs hardy, but only partially got rid of the diseases inherent in other ancestors. For example, the breed remained predisposed to hip dysplasia. It is also found among Czechoslovak wolfdogs and pituitary dwarfism (dwarfism) – puppies are born with an underdeveloped pituitary gland, suffer from dwarfism, insufficient thyroid function.
Progressive retinal atrophy passes to some individuals from parents: the nature of inheritance is autosomal recessive. Rarely, but still there are dogs with degenerative myelopathy, the first symptom of which is considered to be dragging the hind legs. The disease is not treated and is transmitted to offspring even in cases where only one of the producers suffers from it.
How to choose a puppy
- Females of the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog are less adventurous and more manageable than males, so if you want to make it easier for yourself to train a pet, choose “girls”.
- The optimal age of a puppy for purchase is 2-3 months. It is undesirable to take older individuals due to the fact that the older the animal, the more difficult it is to socialize and educate it “by itself”.
- If there are breed shows in the plans, scrupulously study the documents of the litter producers: examination for the presence of genetic diseases, the results of psychological testing (T1), data of the grading code.
- Don’t buy a wolfdog puppy right away. It is better to book a baby and visit him several times – so you will see how the Czechoslovakian wolfdog develops, what character traits it acquires.
- When choosing the most active and courageous puppy, remember that leaders grow out of such individuals, who then have constant problems with obedience.
- It is great if at least one of the litter producers comes from Czech nurseries, since the best representatives of the breed still live in the territory of the former Czechoslovakia.
- Specify whether the seller is ready to provide consulting support to his buyers. In serious kennels, puppies are usually “led” throughout their lives, which is especially valuable for beginner fans of the breed.
Photos of czechoslovakian wolfdog puppies

The price of the Czechoslovak wolfdog
The cost of a puppy of a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog from eminent manufacturers is from 1000$. It is better to look for purebred representatives in official nurseries like “Romtat”, “Malakhovsky Wolfhound” and others. The cheapest, and sometimes even free, option is adults, which are often trafficked through virtual bulletin boards. Typical reasons that encourage owners to get rid of wards are zoo-aggression, moving to a new place of residence, a busy work schedule that does not allow controlling the behavior of the dog.