Small Dog Breeds

Small Dog Breeds

Small breeds of dogs most often become pets of city dwellers. When choosing a breed, the dimensions of the future four-legged friend are often of decisive importance. Miniature pets do not need long walks, a large apartment and a lot of food. With our list of small dog breeds, you are sure to find one that suits you.

Depending on height and weight, small dogs are divided into three groups: toy (up to 28 cm and 2 kg), dwarf (up to 35 cm and 5 kg) and small (up to 40-45 cm and 10 kg). The smallest breed in the world is the Chihuahua . Among the miniature representatives of the canine family, one can meet both the usual Pekingese , pugs and Yorkshire terriers , as well as snow-white Bichons Frize and Papillons – favorites of kings.

Small breeds of dogs have a special, disarming charm. Cute, affectionate and smart, these pets will help relieve stress after a hard day and will happily take a seat next to the owner on the couch. At the same time, you should not underestimate the crumbs and treat them like toys. Animals need attention, education and care.

The names of the breeds of small dogs are arranged alphabetically and illustrated with a photo. An article is dedicated to each baby, which describes the history of the breed, its inherent character traits, features of care, and much more.

Small Dog Breedsl and dwarf breeds are popular all over the world: thanks to their charming appearance and friendly character, they become the favorites of many families. Miniature pets are chosen for a reason: they feel great in a city apartment, and their small size makes them ideal companions for both traveling and relaxing.

On this page you will find a list of the most popular small and dwarf dogs with breed names and their photos. Dogs of small and dwarf breeds, as a rule, are cheerful, lively, playful – they will not let either adults or children get bored. Each breed is cute, beautiful, interesting in its own way, but most likely you have already chosen “your” pet – at first glance, just by looking at one of these photos.