Service Dog Breeds

Service Dog Breeds

The list of service dog breeds includes guard, search, sled and sports groups. Some hunting and herding breeds can also be used as service dogs. This section presents service dog breeds with photos and names – an indispensable hint for crossword lovers. By clicking on the photo of the pet you like, you will be taken to the page of the breed with a detailed description.

It is important to understand that the dog becomes able to serve, thanks to education and training. In case you want to buy a service breed dog for your home and family, going through a general training course will be enough. In order for the dog to acquire specialization, you will have to work with professional cynologists and pass exams.

Service dogs have strength, endurance, poise, a keen sense of smell, developed intuition, courage and loyalty to a person. The more specific requirements for a pet vary depending on what kind of work it has to do.

The police diligently work “universal soldiers” – German Shepherds . Service Dog Breeds patrol the streets, work on crime scenes, and are useful on the wanted list. In addition to the “Germans”, the best service breeds are Dobermanshelping the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Belgian Shepherdswho stop violators with their “explosive” throw. Giant Schnauzers and domestic stars – Black Russian Terriers – are used less often due to high maintenance costs, but they will be able to inspect the airport or train station for prohibited substances. Rottweilers make excellent bodyguards.

Equally important is the work of service dogs engaged in a peaceful craft: shepherds, prospectors for minerals, guides, therapists. However, most often service breeds become pets, called upon to fulfill their main duty – to be a devoted friend and companion.

What kind of dogs we can call service dog breeds?

Service breeds are divided into:

1. Hunting. Their task is to hunt down and pursue prey.

2. Shepherds. Help to graze livestock in all weather conditions.

3. Security. They stand guard over objects and people.

4. Investigative. Carry out a search for people who are in danger, prohibited substances.

5. Customs. They find objects and substances that cannot be imported into or exported from the country.

6. Bodyguards. Dogs protecting people.

7. Search engines. A keen sense of smell helps to find people who are missing, trapped under rubble, etc.

8. Guards. Protect the borders of the state.

9. Riding. Designed to transport people and goods in difficult weather conditions.

10. Sappers. They find explosives, help clear the area.

11. Assistance dogs for people with disabilities (guide dogs, rehabilitation dogs, therapeutic guard dogs).