Ratonero valenciano
Dog Breeds

Ratonero valenciano

Characteristics of Ratonero valenciano

Country of originSpain
The sizeSmall
Growthup to 40 cm
Weightup to 8 kg
Age12–17 years old
FCI breed groupNot recognized
Ratonero valenciano – characteristics

Brief information

  • Cheerful and cheerful, loves games;
  • Mobile, loves to run and jump;
  • Smart, smart and moderately sociable dog.


The Valencian Rater is a national treasure of Spain. The mention of the ancestors of these small cheerful dogs is found in the documents of the 16th century. On the territory of the Kingdom of Valencia (today it is one of the Spanish provinces) from ancient times there were many breeds of dogs that hunted rodents. They differed in size and color, but had a common passion for catching small mammals. Later, the modern type of the Valencian Rater was formed from the most dexterous, attentive and fast dogs, although many cynologists note the influence of other small terriers that arrived in the ports of the sunny state.

The history of the appearance of the Ratonero Valenciano, as this breed is also called, is in many ways similar to the history of the domestication of cats. The ancestors of these dogs lived for a long time in close contact with people, getting their own food in barns, taverns, ports, gradually getting used to a person and learning to trust him. Over time, they began to be specifically started to protect against rodents, in some regions even a separate type of hunting for water rats appeared, in which the ratoneros took an active part. Decades of close acquaintance and communication with a person have made representatives of this breed sensitive and attentive companions. At the same time, the years have not erased the sharp flair and instant reaction, so the Valencian Rater is still an excellent working dog.


Representatives of the breed are characterized by attentiveness and alertness, they give voice in any suspicious situation. At the same time, these dogs are generally not aggressive at all, they are not inclined to attack and get involved in fights. Unlike many other terriers, raters are not very sociable and, having seen other dogs during a walk, they will rush to avoid a meeting. The rater treats people coolly, but he is glad to see acquaintances.

Thanks to the natural love of jumping and running after moving objects, dogs of this breed can successfully and with great pleasure participate in flyball and dog frisbee competitions.

Raters value personal space, many of them are not ready to spend all the time in the company, so for a family with small children it is better to choose the most sociable puppies. The same applies to families that already have a pet. Like other dogs, early socialization and upbringing is important for raters .

The Valencian Rater is smart and is ready to remember commands with joy if the training takes place in a playful way.

Ratonero valenciano Care

Valencian raters do not have hereditary diseases. With constant exercise and proper care, they can live a long and active life.

The short coat requires minimal maintenance: it should be brushed at least once a week and rubbed with a damp sponge to remove dirt. Globally , dogs should be washed rarely and as they get dirty (once a season is enough). It is important to brush your teeth and cut your nails in a timely manner .

Conditions of detention

A small rater can easily live in a city apartment. The owner needs to provide him with the most mobile and interesting walks, then the dog will be able to remain healthy and cheerful throughout his life.

Ratonero valenciano – Video

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