What do river turtles eat, how to feed at home
When purchasing a turtle for home keeping, many believe that it does not need special care. Of course, compared to cats and dogs, the needs of reptiles are more modest. However, they need…
Soft turtle shell: causes and treatment
If a pet’s shell has become soft, this is an alarming symptom of various diseases of an exotic animal, which can significantly shorten the life of a turtle or cause its death. Owners…
What water does a red-eared turtle need, how much to pour into an aquarium when kept at home
Features of keeping and caring for the red-eared turtle are based around water – the main condition for a comfortable life for a freshwater reptile. Let’s figure out how much water a red-eared…
Is a turtle an amphibian (amphibian) or a reptile (reptile)?
The question of whether a turtle belongs to a certain class from time to time arises among children, animal lovers, and simply inquisitive people. Some tend to consider turtles amphibians (amphibians), others stubbornly…
Is it worth it to start a turtle, the pros and cons of keeping terrestrial and red-eared turtles at home
You can get a turtle – both in an apartment and in a private house. Common species are often given away for free via message boards. Conservative animals do not benefit from a…
Fungus in turtles on the shell and skin: symptoms and home treatment (photo)
Improper housing conditions and various infectious diseases in red-eared and terrestrial turtles are the causes of mycoses – diseases caused by pathogenic fungi. It is quite difficult to treat the fungus, especially in…
What to do if the turtle sneezes?
Can turtles sneeze? Of course they can, when sneezing, reptiles make a funny sound that amuses all family members. But the sneeze of an animal is not always a reason for laughter, sometimes…
European marsh turtle: photo, description, habitat
Bog turtles live in the temperate zone. They are ubiquitous in Southern and Central Europe, as well as in the Central part of Russia. The habitat extends to Asia, North Africa and North…
Arrangement of an aquarium for a red-eared turtle (equipment and decoration)
In nature, red-eared turtles live along the shores of lakes and rivers in subtropical and temperate climates. Therefore, for the home maintenance of this heat-loving reptile, it is necessary to properly equip an…
How to determine the age of the land Central Asian tortoise at home (photo)
In captivity, the life expectancy of reptiles is significantly reduced, so future owners want to know the exact age of the purchased pet. Let’s figure out how to determine the age of a…