Is it worth it to start a turtle, the pros and cons of keeping terrestrial and red-eared turtles at home

Is it worth it to start a turtle, the pros and cons of keeping terrestrial and red-eared turtles at home

Is it worth it to start a turtle, the pros and cons of keeping terrestrial and red-eared turtles at home

You can get a turtle – both in an apartment and in a private house. Common species are often given away for free via message boards. Conservative animals do not benefit from a change of scenery, so it is better to take the choice of a companion seriously.

Features of care

Before you start an animal in the apartment, you need to provide him with safe conditions close to natural. Grooming requirements have their pros and cons, compared to the rules for mammals.

Herpetologist is a rare profession. Finding a veterinarian when your pet needs help can be difficult. Especially away from big cities.

People with an unpredictable daily routine can get a turtle at home. She is not too demanding in care, and does not need constant supervision if she lives in an area adapted for her.

Advantages of a turtle as a pet:

  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • does not require street walking;
  • an adult can be fed 2-3 times a week;
  • does not need the company of his own kind;
  • cases of damage to furniture and repairs are rare.

Land turtles need a horizontal terrarium of at least 60 liters. volume, or corral. It is required to maintain a temperature range of 25-35 ˚С. A house for the red-eared turtle and other freshwater or marine reptiles should be equipped with a filter. Mandatory investment in the organization of space for life is the first disadvantage that a novice breeder will face.

Is it worth it to start a turtle, the pros and cons of keeping terrestrial and red-eared turtles at home

The terrarium needs to be cleaned regularly. The procedure takes at least an hour. The reptile does not control the physiological processes of the body. It is impossible to accustom her to the tray. After walking on the carpet, excrement may remain.

Is it worth getting a turtle

Sharing territory with neighbors is unusual for reptiles. If they find themselves in the same aquarium with fish, they will start hunting. There is a high probability of conflicts between reptiles of the same species.

Is it worth it to start a turtle, the pros and cons of keeping terrestrial and red-eared turtles at home

Giving a baby a turtle is a controversial decision. It should be borne in mind that it will not support active games and interactions. The reptile does not want to spend a lot of time near the owner. Complete addiction to a person cannot be achieved; with discomfort and hunger, he will bite.

Is it worth it to start a turtle, the pros and cons of keeping terrestrial and red-eared turtles at home

Fungal microorganisms can develop on the tortoise shell. After any contact, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly, which is often forgotten by young owners.

In a family with children under 12 years old, a land tortoise is better suited for the role of a pet. She rarely becomes a carrier of salmonella, as she eats only plant foods. Unlike freshwater, it is not a predator and is calmer in character.

Turtle is worth getting for those who like contemplation. She gradually learns to recognize the owner, begins to show a keen interest in family members. Her unobtrusive company will help to have an entertaining time.

Pros and cons of keeping terrestrial and red-eared turtles at home

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