Guinea pig: care and maintenance at home for beginners
Sociable, friendly and funny animal will be an excellent pet for both children and adults. But before you take care of a small rodent, you should learn everything about guinea pigs in order…
Hay for guinea pigs: which is better, how to harvest and give
The menu of “overseas” pigs is based not only on granulated industrial feed, but also on hay – dried grass, which is especially necessary in winter. Owners of such pets need to know…
What color can guinea pig urine be: white and other shades
Guinea pigs are naturally endowed with good health. Against the background of a violation of the conditions of feeding and maintenance, it can worsen, which threatens the development of various pathologies. Most owners…
Is it possible for guinea pigs to eat raw and boiled beets, and in what quantity
The daily menu of a guinea pig consists of several parts. It is necessary that juicy food, which includes vegetables, make up 20% of the daily menu. Beetroot is not only allowed, it…
Antibiotics and drugs for guinea pigs: use and dosage
Guinea pigs have inherited from their wild relatives good health and a fairly long lifespan for rodents. However, in case of violation of the conditions of feeding and maintenance, communication with infected relatives,…
DIY chinchilla cage – step by step instructions with drawings and photos
Finding the right size chinchilla cage can be tricky. Such a purchase also often becomes a significant blow to the family budget. The best choice would be a do-it-yourself chinchilla cage – step-by-step…
What does a guinea pig look like: photo, information, description of appearance
Often a small child asks to have a pet – it is better to answer this request with consent. This is how interest in the world around is manifested, the first need to…
Do guinea pigs need vaccinations and how often should they be given?
Guinea pigs during their carefree life, which is long enough for domestic rodents, are often exposed to infectious diseases of a bacterial, fungal or parasitic nature. Most owners of cute furries doubt whether…
What grass can be given to guinea pigs: a table of allowed plants
Grass occupies the main place in the diet of this rodent. Therefore, it is important to know what grass can be given to guinea pigs. Useful plants will bring joy and enrich the…
Diseases of guinea pigs: symptoms and treatment of common diseases
Guinea pigs are fluffy pets that live quite a long time compared to other domestic rodents. Lovely creatures are distinguished by good health, most of the diseases of charming animals occur as a…