Dogo Argentino
- Characteristics of Dogo Argentino
- Key Facts About Dogo Argentino
- History reference
- Description of the Dogo Argentino
- Dogo Argentino character
- Upbringing
- Maintenance and care
- Dogo Argentino nutrition
- Predisposition to diseases
- Dogo Argentino photo
- Who are Dogo Argentinos for?
- Tips for choosing a puppy
- Photos of dogo argentino puppies
- Owners opinion
- Dogo Argentino price
- Dogo Argentino – Video
Characteristics of Dogo Argentino

Dogo Argentino is a large white dog. Differs in courage and endurance. Very devoted to the owner.
Country of origin | Argentina |
The size | large |
Growth | 60-68 cm |
Weight | 40-45 kg |
Age | 10-15 years old |
FCI breed group | Pinschers and Schnauzers, Molossians, Mountain Dogs and Swiss Cattle Dogs |
Dogo Argentino Pros and Cons
PROS Strong and hardy; Excellent watchmen; Playful and mobile; Short coat, does not require frequent care. | CONS Needs early socialization; prone to dominance; Frequent physical activity and walks are necessary. |

Key Facts About Dogo Argentino
- These Great Danes are the only breed bred in Argentina. Residents of the country consider it their national treasure. Another name is Dogo Argentino and Argentine Mastiff.
- At home, in a country with a hot climate, such dogs most often live on the street and guard houses.
- The breed is versatile: it is mainly used for hunting big game, as family dogs or guard dogs.
- The coat of the Dogo Argentino has an interesting feature: it can “adapt” to the climatic conditions of the country in which the dog lives. If the climate is hot, then it will be more rare, if it is cold – thick and with an undercoat.
- Dogo Argentino are banned in several countries. For example, in Australia, New Zealand and Portugal.
- It is believed that the full character of such a dog is formed by about three years.
- In Argentina, Great Danes are often used as guides for the blind, as they are very good at following the trail.
- In hot weather, Dogo Argentino should not be left in the scorching sun for a long time. He can get sunstroke.
History reference
Dogo Argentino owe their appearance to the brothers Antonio and Augustin Martinez. It was they who bred these dogs at the beginning of the 19th century in the province of Cordoba, located in the central part of the Argentine Republic.
As a basis, the brothers took a local fighting breed with a long history. Here she was called “Perro de petea”. She began to cross with boxers , Germans and Bordeaux dogs, bull terriers, Pyrenean mountain dogs.
Initially, they tried to use the resulting individuals as fighting ones. But the Martinezes were not interested in dog competitions, they sought to develop a breed that could be taken with them to hunt a large wild animal. In particular, on cougars and peccaries (Argentine pigs, whose weight reached 50 kg).

It was important for the brothers to breed a snow-white individual, since such a dog would stand out perfectly against the background of local nature. They wanted the dog to have excellent physical characteristics, allowing her to quickly move through mountainous terrain.
Work on the Martinez breed continued for a long 30 years. The first standard was developed by them back in 1929. It described the ideal appearance of such a dog and the features of his temperament.
The death of one of the brothers – Antonio – led to the fact that the phenotype and genotype formed by many years of work were greatly changed. Numerous breeders began their work, uncontrollably crossing the resulting individuals with other dogs.
Augustin Martinez managed to restore the previous breed characteristics of Great Danes. In addition, he worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina and, at every opportunity, tried to give puppies to representatives of other states. This approach contributed to the fact that the breed gradually began to gain popularity among residents of the whole world.
In May 1964, the Dogo Argentino was recognized by the Cynological Federation of Argentina. In the same year, the first breeding book was created.
The Fédération Cynologique Internationale accepted Dogo Argentino much later, only in 1973.
In our country, the first representatives of the breed appeared in 1992.

Description of the Dogo Argentino
The Argentine Mastiff is built proportionally. Well-developed muscles of the animal are visible even through the skin.
The dog must be of the usual Great Dane type. Color, according to the standard, only white is allowed. The coat is short and smooth.
It is preferable that the Dogo Argentino be tall and large. This applies to both males and females. However, the tendency to gigantism is a significant vice.
She is a large dogo argentino. Powerful and strong. Sharp lines of the skull are unacceptable.
The cranium looks convex. The temporal muscles are well developed.
Nostrils wide. The nose is pigmented. Her color is black. If you look at the dog in profile, the nose seems slightly upturned.
The lips are of moderate thickness and black pigmentation. Dry, tight fitting.
The jaws of the Dogo Argentino are strong and powerful. Overshot and undershot are not welcome. According to the standard, a straight or scissor bite is allowed.
Should have a hazel or dark iris. It is desirable that the eyelids are painted black. Although the complete absence of pigment is not considered a significant drawback.
The shape of the eyes of the Dogo Argentino is almond-shaped. Landing is wide. The look of the dog is lively and interested. She looks bold and decisive, especially in males.
They are set high in the Dogo Argentino. Their coat is short and smooth. The coat on the ears should be slightly shorter than on the rest of the body. The presence of marks on them is allowed.
When the dog is in a calm mood, the ears may hang slightly, when he is alert, they are half raised.

It is of medium length and cone-shaped. Set high. The scruff of the Dogo Argentino looks convex. The muscles in the neck are well developed.
The skin is thick and elastic. Folds at the level of the throat are necessarily present.
The body is rectangular in shape. The back is broad and muscular. The croup of Argentine Great Danes is well developed. The chest has a special structure and an impressive width, providing the dog with maximum respiratory capacity.
The ribs of the Dogo Argentino are moderately sprung. The underline should not be too curved, like greyhounds.
It is saber-shaped in such dogs. His posture is high. Together with the back, it should form an angle of 45 degrees. In the process of movement, the Dogo Argentino, according to the standard, carries the tail either at the level of the body, or slightly above it.
The legs of the animal are in perfect harmony with its body. The forelegs appear straight and vertical from all angles.
The shoulders are well developed. The muscles on them are embossed, well visible. The elbows are strong, the skin on them is thick, but without folds. The paws of the forelimbs of Argentine Great Danes look rounded. The fingers on them are short, collected in a ball. The pads are large, covered with rough skin.
The hind limbs are powerful and strong. Dewclaws are undesirable. The thighs are large. The hind legs are similar in shape to the forelegs, although they look slightly smaller and wider.

Dogo Argentino moves confidently and nimbly. If the dog shows a strong interest in something, then its posture changes: it becomes tense, the head rises noticeably. The reaction of this breed to any stimulus is very sharp.
In the process of walking or running, the Dogo Argentino strongly extends its front legs forward, and the hind legs provide it with a good push. When the dog goes to a gallop, his movements become as powerful as possible.
All four paws on the ground should leave parallel footprints. Any form of amble is a significant defect.
wool cover
The average coat length of the Dogo Argentino is 1.5 to 2 cm. The coat looks uniform and smooth. Its density directly depends on the climatic features of the area where the pet lives.
According to the standard, the coat color of Dogo Argentino is only white. The presence of black or dark markings is allowed on the muzzle – around the eye. In any case, the spot cannot cover more than 10% of the dog’s head.

Size and weight
The ideal height for a Dogo Argentino is: 62-68 cm for males, 60-65 for females.
The average weight of an adult usually ranges from 40 to 45 kg.
Dogo Argentino character
Since the Dogo Argentino was used as a fighting dog in ancient times, legends and myths about their ferocity and cruelty have spread throughout the world. In fact, this is not at all the case.
Dogo Argentinos are not used as fighters and hunters these days, they are now increasingly being bred as family dogs. After all, they are very devoted to their owner and the whole family in which they live. They love to be petted and hugged. Tactile contact with a person is extremely important for them.
A well-bred dog is gentle and calm. He will never rush at a stranger unless he senses a real threat in him. After all, the instinct of the guard in Argentinean dogs is very well developed. He is ready to the last to protect all members of his family.
The dog is tolerant of children. Happy to support any mobile game.Although it is not recommended to leave such a large animal unattended with children.
It is imperative to explain to the child how to properly behave with the dog: you can’t beat him on purpose, pull his tail, wake him up during sleep, try to take away a bowl of food from him.

Since Dogo Argentino have a tendency to dominate, it is undesirable to have other pets with them in the same house. The dog will regard any small living creatures as prey and will chase after it. Dogo Argentinos are also unlikely to get along with other dogs, especially if it is a pet of the same sex. On walking grounds, they should not be left unattended for a long time, the likelihood of conflicts with relatives is quite high.
Early socialization for Dogo Argentino is essential or they will become hostile and aggressive towards other dogs and people.
Very active and mobile. They will gladly accompany their owner during jogging, cycling. They love various outings in nature. They are hardy, so they can travel with the owner through mountainous and wooded areas.
Dogo Argentino are playful. Most of them remain active and mobile until old age. Physical activity is extremely important to them. A dog that does not splash out the accumulated energy may begin to smash an apartment or house.
Dogo Argentino bark not too often. Basically, they give a voice when they try to warn their master of danger. They are especially vigilant at night.
Mental stimulation is also necessary for the dog. They play various intellectual games with the dog. For example, finding a hidden thing, food puzzles, etc.
The hunting instinct of the Dogo Argentino can provoke an increased interest in various new smells during a walk. That is why it is desirable to walk with him in fenced areas. In public places, the dog is muzzled and leashed.

Raising a Dogo Argentino is a process that requires certain knowledge and skills. The breed is not recommended for people who do not have experience in dealing with dogs. In addition, these Great Danes are largely different from other Molossians, since they were originally bred not so much to protect a person, but to hunt a large animal.
That is why the owner of the Dogo Argentino must be able to recognize the hunting instincts of his pet and be able to control them.
Training a dog depends entirely on the capacity in which it will be used. If the dog begins to play the role of a watchman, then it is recommended to excommunicate it from strangers. This will help instill in her distrust of strangers.

If the animal is a protector, then training is based on a different principle. Dogs have a highly developed “atavistic instinct” – the ability to find vital points in prey. As you know, the jaw of Argentinean dogs is very powerful, and the grip is iron. The dog will not let the beast go as long as it feels that it is still alive. This ability is indispensable in the process of hunting, but for a guard it is not entirely appropriate. The dog must be taught to grab the enemy by the limbs, and not by the neck, for example.
Most often, to train a dog in such skills and abilities, they turn to cynologists. Only specialists will be able to build the process of education correctly and consistently.
Dogo Argentino have a high level of intelligence. That is why they are able to absorb new information quite quickly. But the natural tendency to leadership often significantly complicates the entire process of raising a dog. After all, the dog begins to dominate early – even at puppyhood. That is why you need to start the learning process from the first days of the appearance of a pet in the house.In the process of training, it is not recommended to shout at the dog and even more so to beat him.
Despite the seeming power, animals are very emotional and sensitive. The dog may be offended and refuse to carry out any orders. Only a calm, balanced owner with a strong character is able to become an authority for a dog.
Don’t forget about rewards. They can be tactile (strokes), verbal (praise), and “delicious”. As a treat, it is best to give dry industrial food. It is very easy to use and beneficial for the animal. It is not recommended to use sausages, cookies, sausage, buns for rewards. This food is harmful to pets.
Education is a regular process. It is desirable to deal with the dog daily. This approach will allow you to quickly teach him new commands and consolidate those already mastered. It is wrong to think that as soon as the dog has learned the entire set of commands, training can be stopped. Training continues throughout the pet’s life. So that the dog does not forget what he has mastered, classes must take place constantly.

Maintenance and care
Despite their impressive size, Dogo Argentino feel great in a city apartment. In addition, due to the very short coat, such a dog will not be able to live in an aviary, especially in the cold season. In addition, constant contact with a person is extremely important for him. Being alone for a long time, without communication, the dog will begin to get bored.
The short coat of the Argentine Mastiff requires minimal grooming . For such dogs, rubbing with a silicone glove brush will suffice. The line is medium. Regular combing not only removes dead hairs, but also gives the pet a massage that improves blood circulation to the skin.
In the autumn-spring period, when there is a lot of dirt on the street, this snow-white dog will have to be washed after each walk. But the dog is not completely bathed. You need to wash only the limbs and stomach with warm water. In the winter season, paws are washed with soap and water, as roads in cities are sprinkled with special anti-icing reagents – sand and salt sets. Such substances can cause irritation on the paws of the Great Dane.Waxes can be used to protect against salt in winter.
These products help to reduce the exposure of the dog’s skin to low temperatures and prevent cracks and scratches.
Fully bathing the animal too often is undesirable. Once a month will suffice. For such a procedure, special dog shampoos are purchased, the best option is for dogs of light colors. After washing, the dog is well wiped with a towel.

The eyes of the animal also require care. They need to be cleaned of mucus accumulated in the corners as needed.
The claws of a dog living in a city and often walking on asphalt usually do not need to be cut. She grinds them on her own on the road. The rest of the haircut is done with the help of nail cutters. Nails are trimmed about once every 2 weeks.
For the first procedure, it is recommended to visit a groomer. A professional will clearly demonstrate how such a procedure is carried out correctly: he will show which part of the overgrown claw should be removed and which should be left. This is very important, because inside it are nerve endings and blood vessels.
The ears are usually cleaned 1-2 times a week. For this, it is recommended to use veterinary lotions. It is undesirable to use baby powders and creams, peroxide, boric alcohol.
It is permissible for an animal to brush its teeth every day. This will avoid the appearance of plaque on the enamel, tartar and caries. For cleaning, buy dog toothpaste and special brushes.
They are taught to any pet hygiene procedures from a very early age. After each successful grooming attempt, it is important to use rewards. This will allow the dog to form a positive attitude towards such procedures. Do not yell at the dog if it is mischievous and does not want to approach you. You need to try to find an individual approach to the animal, to interest him.

Dogo Argentino nutrition
By human standards, a dog’s life is quite short. On average, Dogo Argentino live 10-15 years. Each owner must understand that several factors affect the life expectancy of a pet: proper maintenance and a balanced diet.
It is not recommended to feed the animal with scraps from the human table. You need to prepare for it separately. Protein should predominate in the pet’s diet, since the dog is zoophagous, that is, carnivores.
Carbohydrates are also present in the diet, but they are much less. The digestive system of the animal assimilates them much worse than proteins.
The intake of microelements, vitamins and healthy fats in the body is important.
When choosing a nutrition plan for a dog, several factors are taken into account:
- Her breed;
- Animal activity;
- Age;
- Health status.

An unbalanced diet leads to a number of negative consequences: the pet’s coat will become dull, intestinal problems may appear, etc.
To draw up a nutrition plan for the animal, you must contact a specialist. A professional nutritionist will take into account all the features of a particular pet and develop a diet just for him. It is wrong to think that you can calculate the average amount for your dog by reading the information on the package with ready-made food or by studying nutrition literature.
There are two types of food: natural products and industrial diets , which are dry and wet. The latter are also divided into complete and non-full-ration. Their main difference is in the composition: the first ones are supplemented with vitamins and microelements, the second ones are not.
When choosing one of the types of feeding for a dog, the owner must take into account the characteristics of each of them.
So, with a natural diet, he will have to buy a large number of different products and cook them on his own, count the calorie content of each serving. If a person does not have time for frequent shopping trips, then it is better to use ready-made rations. This food can be purchased for the future, as it has a much longer shelf life. In addition, it is easier to store: dry food, for example, does not even require a refrigerator.
The regime is important to follow. It is recommended to feed the animal at certain hours. After it has eaten, the bowl must be removed before the next meal. Leave only a container with drinking water.
Every owner should understand that there are a number of products that are not only harmful to the dog, but also dangerous. For example, chocolate, bones, raw fish and pork. Sweets and smoked meats should also not be given to the animal.
For example, the use of tubular bones can lead to extremely undesirable consequences: their cleavers sometimes damage the walls of the intestine, breaking through it. Often this condition leads to the death of a pet.

Predisposition to diseases
The breed has a predisposition to certain types of diseases. So, for example, some individuals are born deaf. It is believed that this is a consequence of their snow-white color. Some of them are deaf in only one ear, while others are deaf in both.
Allergic reactions are often diagnosed in Argentinean dogs. If you find any skin rashes, contact a specialist immediately and eliminate all potential allergens from your diet.
Animals leading an active lifestyle should be observed carefully: they often show injuries, dislocations and sprains.
Dogo Argentino photo

Who are Dogo Argentinos for?
The Argentine Mastiff is suitable for dog breeders who plan to get a dog:
- Large, strong and hardy;
- Suitable for the role of a guard, protector;
- With a short snow-white coat that does not require frequent care;
- Affectionate with his family.

Dogo Argentino should not be owned by people who:
- Do not have time to regularly walk with the animal;
- Not ready for frequent physical exertion and training;
- Never had a dog before;
- They do not want a pet prone to dominance.
A large pet needs a confident and active owner who can become an authority for him. Physical activity for such a dog-athlete is extremely important.
It is undesirable to start a Great Dane for families that already have cats and other animals. Often dogs, obeying the hunting instinct, chase other pets, perceiving them as prey.
Great Danes can be purchased by both single and family dog breeders. The most important thing is to devote enough time to your pet: regularly walk with him, train and educate.
Tips for choosing a puppy
Before choosing a breed, you need to learn as much as possible about it. You can not opt for the Dogo Argentino if you just liked its exterior.
Before buying, talk to dog breeders, breeders, cynologists. Try to learn more about the breed, its temperament, keeping habits, etc.
It is advisable to purchase a puppy that has reached the age of 1.5-2 months. It is such a dog that can already be weaned from its mother.
They buy dogs either from private breeders or in specialized kennels. It is believed that the probability of acquiring a high-bred individual in the nursery is much higher. In any case, the breeder must be chosen very carefully.
Having visited the room where the puppies and their mother are kept, pay attention to its condition: it cannot be dirty in it. Dogs should also look neat.

Examine the baby himself: the condition of his coat, eyes, ears. His belly should be soft, not tight. A distended abdomen is most often a sign of a parasite infestation .
Ask the breeder to show you the puppy’s parents. So you can more clearly imagine how a pet can grow up.
By the age of one and a half months, the dog already has teeth in its mouth. Be sure to check them out. The bite must be correct. In Dogo Argentino, it is acceptable either straight or scissor-shaped.
Ask the seller if the baby has all the necessary vaccinations , whether parasite treatments have been carried out.
Pay attention to the behavior of the litter. They should not hide from guests. On the contrary: healthy puppies will always show interest in everything new. They will come up to you and start sniffing you. Babies are playful and active, they rarely sit in one place.
Breeders who carefully monitor their Argentine Mastiff puppies give them a BAER test. Such a study helps to determine whether they are deaf from birth. This is important for Dogo Argentino, as they are often born deaf in one or two ears.
In professional kennels, the buyer is always provided with documents for the dog: a veterinary passport, a metric. The majority of such organizations brand their wards with a stigma – a unique code assigned to each animal. It helps to identify the pet when needed. The code should be included in the documentation.
Photos of dogo argentino puppies

Owners opinion
Having studied the impressions of dog breeders from this breed, we came to the conclusion that they consider such pets:
- Smart and quick-witted;
- Real athletes, distinguished by strength and endurance;
- Physically active;
- Affectionate and devoted.
The owners note that Dogo Argentino is not very popular in our country. In addition, it is not so easy to find an experienced breeder. You should not turn to the first person you meet, you need to choose carefully. Otherwise, there is a great chance to acquire a dog with a set of genetic abnormalities.

Since Dogo Argentino is often prone to stubbornness, dog breeders recommend contacting specialists for quality education and training.
Pets need a lot of walks. He needs active games in nature. You can take Argentine dogs for walking outside the city. Favorite game – stpingpole (rope hanging competition), stick game, splint exercises, etc.
The guard instinct in such an animal is very well developed. The dog will always warn the owner of the danger with a loud bark. Under normal circumstances, Dogo Argentinos bark quite rarely.
Dogo Argentino price
In our country, you can find not so many breeding nurseries engaged in breeding dogo argentino. Therefore, the breed is considered quite rare. You need to be prepared for the fact that the cost of a puppy will be rather big.
We talked to some breeders and found out how much Dogo Argentino cost.
In specialized nurseries, the price tag is always higher – from 900 to 1300$. Private breeders usually sell their dogs for less. Their price is from 250-800$.
Dogo Argentino – Video