Coton de Tulear
Dog Breeds

Coton de Tulear

Characteristics of Coton de Tulear

Country of originMadagascar
The sizeSmall
Growth25–30 cm
Weight5.5–7 kg
Age14–16 years old
FCI breed groupDecorative and companion dogs
Coton de Tulear Characterristics

Brief information

  • Intelligent, accurate;
  • They don’t shed but need regular brushing.
  • Suitable for living even in a small apartment.


The exotic island of Madagascar is considered the birthplace of the Coton de Tulear breed. However, the ancestors of these white dogs are not at all African, but European – Maltese lapdogs . And from French, the name of the breed literally translates as “cotton from Tulear”. Why is that?

The history of this breed actually resembles the plot of the movie. In the XV-XVI centuries, presumably, French ships were sent to the African colony of Reunion, which was located on the island of the same name. However, the ship was wrecked near Madagascar. The surviving small dogs of the Maltese subsequently became the ancestors of a new breed. By the way, its name is a reference to the Madagascar port of Tulear.

The Coton de Tulear is a companion dog, a decorative pet that is ready to bathe around the clock in the caress and attention of all family members. And he loves everyone equally. But, if there are children in the house, the heart of the dog will belong to them – representatives of this breed love kids so much. True, seniors will have to answer for the training of a fluffy pet. Training a dog is easy enough, but only if you find an approach to it. Otherwise, you may encounter willfulness and whims.


You can’t leave the coton de tulear alone for long. Without their beloved owners, pets of this breed begin to literally fade: sad, yearn, refuse food. The character also deteriorates: the once cheerful dog becomes unsociable, can snap and show aggression. Therefore, a cat is not suitable for lonely business people – he needs care.

Representatives of the breed are very friendly. However, they still do not trust strangers. Although, as soon as the dog gets to know the person better, there is no trace of indifference. It is not recommended to use a coton as a guard: you should not rely on a kind and sociable dog.

As for the animals in the house, problems rarely arise here. Snow-white dogs easily find a common language with both relatives and cats. They are very peaceful and playful.

Coton de Tulear Care

The main advantage and distinguishing feature of the breed is snow-white soft wool. In order for the pet to always look well-groomed, the owner will have to try. Dogs should be gently combed every 2-3 days, separating hair and parting. Since the white coat loses its appearance on a walk, you also have to bathe the dogs quite often – once every 1-2 weeks.

Particular attention should be paid to the care of the eyes of the coton de tulear. They must be regularly inspected and cleaned in a timely manner. If you notice the occurrence of tear tracts , it is recommended to consult a veterinarian.

Conditions of detention

Coton de tulear, due to its small size, is absolutely unpretentious. It will comfortably settle down both in a small apartment and in a private house outside the city. The main thing is to provide an active pet with a sufficient level of physical activity.

Coton de Tulear – Video

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