Pomsky is a cross between a Husky and a Pomeranian that is not recognized by cynological associations and does not have the status of an independent breed.
Characteristics of Pomsky
Country of origin | USA |
The size | Average |
Growth | from 20 to 30 cm |
Weight | up to 10 kg |
Age | 10–15 years |
FCI breed group | Not recognized |
Basic moments
- The name Pomsky was formed as a result of the merger of the names of the Pomeranian and Husky breeds that took part in the crossing.
- Most often, Pomsky can be found not on the street, but on the Instagram feed. Moreover, some of the dogs have their own profiles, which “they lead themselves.”
- Despite their recognizable appearance, the Pomsky is often confused with the Alaskan Klee Kai and the Finnish Lapphund.
- Pomsky combine both the external characteristics of the Pomeranian and Husky , as well as their character traits. But since the breed is at the beginning of its development, the behavioral characteristics of its representatives are unstable and can change.
- Having the title of decorative and designer pets, Spitz and Husky mixes are not hypoallergenic dogs, as they shed intensively.
- Poms are exclusively decorative animals, and it is pointless to impose any useful activity on them. They will willingly pose for the camera and fool around with children, but serious work is not for them.
- When purchasing a mestizo puppy, you need to be prepared for the fact that there will simply be no one to get serious advice about the health and behavior of the pet. This is a little-studied variety of dogs, and there are not many specialists who work closely with it.

Pomsky is a fluffy “exclusive” with an impressive price tag and the makings of a fashion model, with which it is easy to become the center of attention. Thanks to competent PR and a pretty appearance, these designer handsomes in the shortest possible time evolved into one of the most popular, albeit unofficial breeds of our time. As a result: those who want to get a real pomsky puppy are ready to wait for months for their turn in kennels, unfastening solid inclinations to breeders involved in breeding charming mestizos.
History of the Pomsky breed
Pomsky is one of the most hype breeds of our time, photos of which flooded the Internet long before the official announcement. In general, the idea to cross Siberian Husky and Pomeranian in order to get a mestizo with the most “glossy” appearance was a well-thought-out marketing stunt from the very beginning. In the wake of the popularity of social networks and rampant self-mania, such pets could turn out to be a sought-after product, the cost of which would be, if not cosmic, then at least infinitely far from the budget.

In the meantime, breeders were calculating the financial benefits and possible risks from future experiments, fake articles began to surface on the network about the first Pomeranian and Husky hybrids , “flavored” with photoshopped images of Alaskan Klee Kai and other dogs similar in appearance. Soon, the passion for the non-existent breed began to develop into a real Pomsky mania, so the breeders had to really hurry up in order to have time to present the animals before their popularity declined. As a result, the first registered mestizo litter was born in 2013 in the USA. And a few months later, in the same North America, the official club of lovers of these funny handsome men began its work.
So far, cynological associations stubbornly disown the Pomsky, refusing to recognize them as a separate breed. There are reasons for this, the main of which is origin. Despite the off-scale level of external charm, Spitz and Husky puppies were and remain mestizos: mega cute, with a price tag equivalent to the cost of the latest iPhone model, but still mestizos, which are not at all expected in rings and exhibitions. As a result: pomskies to this day do not have their own standard of appearance, which they are replaced by vague, often contradictory descriptions compiled by kennel owners.
To date, two organizations are monitoring the breeding and promotion of this unusual family – the aforementioned Pomsky Club (PCA) and the American Hybrid Dog Club (ACHC). But positive-minded experts predict a very promising future for the Spitz – Husky mix and have no doubt that the Pomsky will achieve recognition from international cynological commissions, taking pride of place in the list of the most fashionable breeds of the 20th century.
Video: Pomsky
Appearance pomsky
The exterior of the pomsky is a variable value, highly dependent on the play of genes. Thus, for example, the first generation of puppies (F1) receive an equal amount of external characteristics from their parents, which allows them to look half husky , half spitz . Usually, to obtain offspring, they take an orange male and a husky female , since it will not work to endure and produce relatively large mestizos from a miniature “girl” of the Spitz . In most cases, insemination is carried out artificially, since producers that are suitable for each other in size are rare.
F1 pomskies can interbreed, but the end results of such “unions” will be a little less impressive. In general, each subsequent mating (starting with F2) does not affect the exterior of the offspring in the best way. Not only will the mestizos of later generations differ in all respects from their older brothers and sisters, but this is also a direct path to degeneration. Perhaps that is why there are so few advertisements for the sale of F3 animals in local nurseries.

The average Pomsky of the first generation is a 5-7-kilogram merry fellow with a height of about 30-40 cm. Sometimes the dog’s weight does not fit into the specified limits, significantly exceeding them, so 10-12-kilogram mestizos are not so rare. Sexual dimorphism in the pomsky also takes place. So, almost all “girls” are lighter than “guys” by a kilogram or two and lower than them by 5-10 cm.

To streamline the external characteristics of dogs and make it easier for potential buyers to choose a pet, cynologists have identified and described five main exterior types of pomsky.
- Fox type – combines the stretched format of the Husky body and the graceful skeleton of the Spitz . The pointed shape of the muzzle, red-red color and smooth semi-long hair give the dog a resemblance to a fox.
- Plush husky is a corpulent fluffy with a soft, airy “fur coat” and a short muzzle of a Spitz . It has a thick, bagel-twisted tail and inherits husky coat colors .
- The white pomsky is the rarest and largest type. It is characterized by a solid white color and a graceful muzzle.
- The brown blue eyed is the most photogenic variety of the Pomsky and is rarely seen. All representatives of this “clan” are distinguished by a rich brown coat and nose with a blue tint of the iris. In addition, they are bony, dense dogs with semi-long double coats and elongated muzzles.
- The short-haired type is a clear outsider in the stellar Pomsky family. The owner of hard and ultra-short wool, because of which it is not in consumer demand.
Coat colors
The most common shade of pomsky wool is the husky color with a characteristic mask on the muzzle (sometimes it may be absent). It usually comes in black and white, silver grey, fawn, brown, copper, and white. Tan and solid colors are also not uncommon, unlike merle varieties.
Everything that in other breeds would be regarded as a defect, for the Pomsky is the norm. In particular, heterochromia (difference of eyes) is characteristic of many mestizos. Often on the iris of dogs you can see “splashes” of a contrasting shade. As for colors, the most common pomsky eyes are brown, tan, blue and hazel green.
Photos pomsky

Pomsky character

If you do not pay attention to the virtual popularity of the breed, Pomsky remain dark horses, including in terms of character, which is extremely unstable among the representatives of this “clan”. It is believed that the style of behavior and type of temperament puppies get from their parents. However, this does not prevent animals from diluting the “legacy” of their ancestors with some individual habits that give their behavior a bit of unpredictability.
In general, Pomskies are playful and frisky pets with the inclinations of a companion and a penchant for adventure inherited from the Siberian Husky . Hence – a frantic desire to quietly slip away from the owner on a walk and go in search of exciting adventures (well, or for another portion of trouble).
Pomskis join the team and family without much difficulty, but you should not count on the same affection of the pet for all household members. This glamorous lively guy will always have one single favorite, whose opinion he listens to a little more carefully. You should not expect from pomsky and super-devotion, and even more so universal adoration. Yes, he is emphatically good-natured and accommodating, but he is not without a healthy share of selfishness. However, you can easily see this as soon as you start training your pet.
Most pomskies are non-confrontational and completely non-aggressive creatures. They do not look at every stranger who enters the house as an enemy of the people, they do not provoke other dogs on walks. But these “Instagram stars” will never refuse to bark. Pomsky calmly endure the absence of the owner and do not fall into hysterics, remaining for several hours in an empty apartment. In general, they are self-sufficient and freedom-loving creatures, although, of course, they are not as independent as their ancestors – huskies .
Usually the owners of pomsky nurseries sing praises to their wards, keeping silent about one thing: during interbreeding, the offspring receive from the producers not only positive characteristics, but also negative traits. So if your pomsky desperately digs the ground on the lawns, hates every passer-by and arranges doomsday installations from randomly scattered and broken things in the apartment, he has not gone crazy at all, but simply adheres to the tactics of behavior familiar to one of his parents.
Education and training

Pomskies are great smart people, but they are not eager to gain new knowledge. It is understandable: neither the Husky nor the Pomeranian have ever been diligent. Nevertheless, pomskies are trainable if you show patience and perseverance. Due to the youth and relative rarity of the breed, cynologists do not yet give clear recommendations on its training. But it is logical to assume that the best method of influencing the animal will be unobtrusive attempts to involve it in the learning process. The owners of the Spitz – Husky mix say: if you create the right intrigue, the dog will certainly become interested and try to complete the proposed exercise. If things didn’t work out, most likely your game was not convincing enough, and the pet quickly figured out the trick.
Teaching a dog the simplest commands is real: representatives of the unrecognized Pomsky breed are extremely diligent and attentive if you once worked on developing obedience skills in an animal. The unbridled emotional barking that mestizos are famous for, the owner will also be able to control. True, at first you will have to make a strategic supply of treats: threats and a strict tone have practically no effect on Pomsky, but bribery with tempting delicacies is perceived as an additional incentive. Since the vast majority of Pomsky are residents of city apartments, it is not necessary to train their OKD. Yes, the dog must follow the basic commands to ensure its safety, but for this, a simple course like UGS is enough.
Maintenance and care
Pomsky, despite the publicity and elitism, are unpretentious dogs. Of course, you will have to take care of them, but this is minimal care, not comparable with the efforts that the owners of other decorative breeds make to maintain. The coat of an adult pomsky consists of a dense downy undercoat and a stiff awn, which have a slight dirt-repellent effect, so if you do not have enough time and money for systematic trips to the groomer, the pet will still look neat. Running around the dog with a comb and furminator five times a week is also not necessary. The coat of the half-Spitz-half-Husky does not fall off, therefore they are combed from time to time, but at least once a month. An exception is the periods of seasonal molting, when it is necessary to work out the undercoat and awn every day.

The coat of the pomsky living in the apartment practically does not get dirty, however, frequent bathing is not contraindicated for them. On average, you can wash half Spitz , half Husky once every two weeks, however, provided that you have responsibly approached the choice of shampoo and other caring cosmetics. Only in this case, you can not be afraid for the safety of the dog’s coat structure and the health of its skin. Wet pomsky “fur coats” are dried in the traditional way, that is, first they blot the hair with a towel, and then dry it with a hair dryer.
Hygiene of the mucous membranes of the eyes and ears are mandatory items in the care of adults, but special skills are not required here. Just keep these areas clean, removing dirt and secretions with clean rags soaked in veterinary lotions intended for such purposes. Brushing your pomsky’s teeth is done in the usual way and usually does not cause difficulties if you have previously purchased toothpaste for dogs complete with a silicone fingertip.
Pomskies are active and curious dogs, in need of fresh impressions and physical relaxation, respectively, you need to walk with them at least twice a day. Usually, in order to play enough and explore interesting smelling places, the animal takes about an hour. All this time, it is better to look after the pet, because despite the fact that the pomsky’s passion for escaping is not as bright as that of the husky , the breeders have not yet been able to completely eradicate this character trait. By the way, if the pet is still at the stage of mastering commands such as “Fu!” and “Come to me!”, it’s better not to let him off the leash.

A special “glamorous” Pomsky diet is not required. These elite mestizos eat the same as regular dogs. The main product in the pet’s diet is any lean meats or their cheaper alternative – offal (all boiled). You can dilute animal protein with rice and oatmeal, seasonal heat-treated vegetables, and low-fat sour milk. And remember, no matter how tasty and varied you treat pomsky, this does not exempt you from buying mineral and vitamin supplements for him.
If you can’t balance the dog’s diet on your own, it’s wiser to stop at super-premium industrial feed: animals absorb dry croquettes with no less appetite than meat. The ideal option is to choose a pomsky puppy in a kennel, where babies are transferred to “drying” from the first months of life. In this case, the pet will not have to be “transplanted” from one type of food to another, which is always fraught with animal dissatisfaction and a protracted period of body addiction to dry food. High-quality “drying” also has an additional pleasant bonus: it eliminates the need to purchase vitamin and mineral complexes.
Pomsky health and disease
Logically, mestizos, including the Spitz – Husky mix , can inherit their parents’ illnesses. However, this does not happen in the case of the Pomsky, which makes the breed almost problem-free. Yes, dogs’ teeth tend to form tartar, and vision loses its former sharpness with age, but all these are trifles compared to incurable genetic ailments. But with allergies that are found in individual individuals, it is worth being careful, since it is almost impossible to predict in advance how the pet’s body will react to changes in the menu.

How to choose a puppy

- A Pomeranian – Husky mix is exclusive in the dog world, so most kennels sell pomsky puppies by appointment with an indispensable deposit.
- Before buying, check with the breeder what generation of hybrids you are dealing with. The most valuable variant in terms of external advantages and health is the F1 specimen.
- Be sure to ask to meet at least one of the puppy’s parents if you buy pomskies in domestic kennels.
- Puppies are born into the world with very different types of appearance. In particular, both “fox cubs” and “plush huskies” can come across in one litter.
- In the first 12 weeks of life, the color of the pomsky iris is unstable and may change shade. If you are planning to buy a blue-eyed mestizo, it is best to wait until the puppy is 3 months old.
- If a pomsky puppy is purchased from a Russian breeder, check with the seller what documents he will give you upon completion of the transaction. The correct mixed breed must be microchipped, have a pedigree, an international veterinary passport, and be registered with the PCA or ACHC.
Pomsky price
The most photogenic and, therefore, expensive option is the blue-eyed F1 pomsky with a husky mask on the muzzle, as well as individuals with brown hair. The cost of such puppies reaches 1100 – 2000$, depending on the pricing policy of the nursery. Individuals of the second generation (F2) will cost an order of magnitude cheaper – 900 – 1000$. Much less often on the Internet there are advertisements for the sale of pomsky F3 puppies. The price tag for such babies is even lower than for second-generation hybrids – 500 – 600$.