How to cut the claws of a turtle, do red-eared and land turtles need a haircut?
Having decided to get a turtle, you need to think about creating proper sanitary and hygienic conditions for your pet. Given that the claw plates of reptiles grow constantly, similar to human nails,…
Where to give the turtle if it is no longer needed
Sometimes circumstances force people to look for other owners for a pet turtle. About where you can put a pet in this situation, the article will tell. Release into the wild This is…
Why does the red-eared turtle swim “on one side”, belly up or backwards
Red-eared turtles have recently become very popular pets. Most sellers, when selling tiny, bright green reptiles, promise buyers that the animals do not require specific care and practically do not get sick. Unfortunately,…
Turtles from the Red Book of Russia and the World (photo and description)
Of the abundance of species of aquatic and land turtles, many are on the verge of extinction. This is due to pollution of nature, imbalance of ecosystems, as well as poachers. For protection…
Moulting in red-eared turtles: the shell exfoliates, the skin on the neck and paws peels off and peels off
Turtles, which differ from classic fluffy pets, often surprise owners with their features. Such unusual processes include molting, which frightens beginners with unusual symptoms. The essence and main features of turtle molting Molting…
Who eats turtles, how does a turtle defend itself from its enemies in nature
Today, the number of turtles has declined sharply and is at a critical point. Sea turtles were exterminated by the thousands for turtle soup, and the inhabitants of the Galapagos archipelago were taken…
Vitamins and calcium for red-eared and tortoises
Recently, more and more turtle lovers have appeared, exotic animals attract buyers with their appearance and unusual behavior. Land and water turtles, when kept at home, require specific equipment, a balanced diet, and…
Why does the water in an aquarium with red-eared turtles quickly become cloudy?
Keeping aquaterrarium clean is one of the main rules for keeping an aquatic turtle. Consider the main causes of pollution and ways to deal with muddy water. Reasons for the violation of cleanliness…
Pneumonia in red-eared and tortoises: symptoms and home treatment
Turtles are known as the most unpretentious and disease-resistant pets, especially when compared to other pets. But the common cold poses a great danger to them, which in reptiles rapidly turns into one…
Why are turtles slow?
The average speed of a land tortoise is 0,51 km/h. Aquatic species move faster, but they, in comparison with mammals and most reptiles, look clumsy phlegmatic. To understand why turtles are slow, it…