Rat house: choice, purpose and DIY creation
All decorative rodents need a permanent shelter. If the rat does not have a reliable place to hide at any time, it will feel discomfort, experience nervous tension. What do rats use hiding…
What is the difference between a mouse and a rat (photo) – comparative table
Some people don’t know the difference between a mouse and a rat. Others believe that the difference between them is only in size. Still others even argue: a rat and a mouse are…
Mycoplasmosis in rats: symptoms, treatment and prevention
Decorative rats are easy to care for and bring many pleasant hours of communication to their owners. But, unfortunately, little pets get sick too. In addition to oncology, these animals are most often…
Chinese hamster is a rare pet
Charming rodents, somewhat reminiscent of a mouse or a rat, are called “Chinese hamster”. These are cute active kids that can be kept at home. They are distinguished by shyness and good-natured disposition,…
The hamster has blood from the anus (under the tail)
Funny Syrian and Djungarian hamsters do not live very long by our human standards, but even during this time I manage to get sick with my hamster diseases or get into unpleasant situations.…
Is it possible for hamsters to buckwheat, millet, pearl barley and other cereals
Proper, complete and at the same time varied nutrition is the key to health and long life. And this is so not only in humans, but also in animals, and in hamsters. In…
Can hamsters eat nectarine, orange, tangerine or mango
Oranges and tangerines are common fruits in our area, so rodent owners regularly wonder if hamsters can eat citrus fruits, mangoes, and nectarines. These foods are easy to buy, they are the richest…
What you need for a hamster: a list of necessary for the appearance of a pet in the house
The acquisition of a domestic rodent is always a pleasant chore and a joyful anticipation of a new inhabitant in the house, which will fill it with mischievous rustling and love. Having surrendered…
Bathing sand for hamsters: organizing a sand bath
Песок для хомяков – больше роскошь, чем жизненная необходимость. Однако увидев хотя бы раз, с каким азартом джунгарский хомяк купается в песке, владелец готов обеспечить любимцу такую ванну на постоянной основе. Сразу возникает…
Can hamsters swim and what is the danger of water
It is not known why owners of tiny rodents so often wonder if hamsters can swim. Theoretically, all mammals can float on water, even completely unsuitable for this. And if you check whether…