Domestic rat makes strange sounds, what do they mean
Rats sometimes make strange noises Small rodents are calm, but sometimes a domestic rat makes strange sounds that cause genuine interest. Smart animals adapt to the life of the owner and even adopt…
How to tame a chinchilla to your hands and make friends with her
Chinchillas are considered to be intelligent rodents with excellent memories that can be easily tamed at any age. To understand how to teach a chinchilla to your hands, you need to take into…
Is it possible to give guinea pigs radishes (fruit, leaves, tops)
At first glance, it may seem that feeding guinea pigs is quite simple, because the animal eats most fruits and vegetables. However, at the same time, experts warn that not all products will…
Chinchilla drinker – purchased and do-it-yourself
Proper organization of nutrition and water supply is the basis for the competent maintenance of any pet. Rodents should definitely have a drinking device, and for a number of owners, a do-it-yourself chinchilla…
Chinchilla lies on its side – the norm or a symptom of the disease?
Domestic chinchillas are active fluffy creatures that love affection and delicious food. Most often, pets spend the day in a sitting position. If the chinchilla lies on its side, this may be a…
How to determine the gender of a guinea pig at home (photo) – learning to distinguish girls from boys
Inexperienced owners of furry rodents often wonder how to determine the sex of a guinea pig at home. After all, the sexual characteristics of these animals are so difficult to distinguish that pet…
Features of the character, behavior and intelligence of guinea pigs
Guinea pigs are distinguished by their very cute appearance and unpretentious maintenance, which has made them popular as pets. From the outside, these decorative rodents look friendly and a little phlegmatic, but still,…
Whether guinea pigs stink or not, the reasons for the smell from a rodent
People fascinated by the cute appearance of guinea pigs and wanting to make such a friend at home, begin to be interested in the nuances of their content. And one of the main…
Chinchilla: care and maintenance at home
Pet store sellers assure those who want to buy a chinchilla that these cute animals are unpretentious and undemanding in content, but this is not entirely true. Before buying a furry pet, the…
Do guinea pigs bite or not? What to do in case of a bite to blood and how to wean a rodent from biting
Before acquiring a small rodent, future owners are interested in whether guinea pigs bite or show an exceptionally peaceful disposition. This largely depends on the individual characteristics of a particular animal, but there…