Mongolian Mastiff
Characteristics of Mongolian Mastiff
Country of origin | Russia (Buryatia) |
The size | Large |
Growth | 65–75 cm |
Weight | 45–70 kg |
Age | 12–14 years old |
FCI breed group | Not recognized |
Brief information
- Another name for the breed is hotosho;
- Excellent service breed;
- Calm and balanced dogs.
The Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound is an aboriginal dog breed. Even in ancient times, these animals accompanied the nomadic tribes that lived on the territory of modern Buryatia and Mongolia. The dog was a man’s helper: it guarded the house, guarded the flocks of sheep and protected from predatory animals. By the way, another name for the breed – “hotosho” – translated from Buryat literally means “yard dog”.
After the almost complete disappearance of the breed, it was possible to restore it. Professional cynologists-breeders Nikolai Batov and Marika Teregulova from Buryatia revived the breed. And the official hotosho standard was adopted by the RKF in 2000.
Buryat-Mongolian wolfhounds are calm, intelligent dogs with a balanced character. They will not bark in vain. These are devoted and faithful animals, the meaning of life of which is to serve a person. They have long been used as working dogs and protectors of the family. And today they are doing their job very well.
Despite the weight and external obesity, the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound is a mobile and very energetic dog. Lying lazily all day is not about her, hotosho requires physical exertion and needs training . If the owner does not have experience, it is advisable to seek help from a professional dog handler .
Dogs of this breed mature slowly, so it is necessary to socialize and accustom them to the outside world gradually. With the wrong upbringing, hotosho can be wayward and arrogant.
The Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound is a rather independent and independent dog. Yes, he loves praise and affection, but he will never impose his society on the owner. Hotosho is not afraid of loneliness, but prefers to always be near a person. This dog will be an excellent companion for a large family.

Hotosho are excellent nannies, taking care of the household, including children, is in their blood. Gentle, affectionate and very patient, these dogs will mess around with kids for a long time and will never let them offend.
The Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound gets along well with other animals, especially if he grew up with them. However, representatives of this breed are neutral towards unfamiliar cats and dogs.
Mongolian Mastiff Care
Hotosho is unpretentious in care. His rough coat needs to be combed out a couple of times a week with a massage comb. I must say, his coat has a wonderful self-cleaning property, so the representatives of the breed are not bathed so often.
We must not forget about the health of the eyes and teeth of the pet. They are recommended to be inspected weekly and cleaned regularly.
Conditions of detention
The Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound is definitely not an apartment dog, the pet will be happy to live outside the city. These dogs can be kept in an aviary or just in the yard. Thick wool allows them to stay outside for a long time even in winter.
Since these are rather large dogs, it is very important to monitor the health of the joints and bones of the pet during their growing up.
Mongolian Mastiff – Video