Dog Breeds


Characteristics of Landseer

Country of originCanada
The sizeLarge
Growth67–89 cm
Weight65–70 kg
Age10–11 years old
FCI breed groupPinschers and Schnauzers, Molossians, Mountain and Swiss Cattle Dogs
Landseer Characteristics

Brief information

  • Until the 1970s, the Landseer was considered a black and white Newfoundland , but now it is an independent breed. In addition to the color, it is distinguished from the Newfoundland by longer limbs;
  • The name of these dogs came from the name of the 19th century artist who depicted them on his canvases;
  • Landseers do not tolerate heat well;
  • They simply adore water, it is difficult for them to resist the temptation to jump into a puddle.


Landseers have been living near people for a very long time, helping to catch fish and rescue drowning people. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by a calm character and excellent endurance. Noble Landseers managed to win a lot of fans.

They are happy to carry out the commands of the owner and do not allow themselves aggressive attacks towards children. Landseers have a special relationship with kids: they are born nannies, they know how to handle children with care and even allow you to pull your tail and grab your ears. Landseer will never offend a child and will definitely protect in case of danger, and dogs of this breed are able to make independent decisions.

Landseer is not suitable for protecting an apartment or plot, as it is distinguished by friendliness and complaisant character. He can stand up for his master, but he certainly will not stand up for his property. Although the mere sight of such a powerful dog in the yard can scare off the occasional robber or bully. In addition, these dogs perfectly distinguish peaceful guests from aggressive subjects that can harm the family: Landseers notice danger and take actions to prevent it.


Such a dog is usually kept as a companion, travel companion or family friend. These kind dogs, sensitive and reliable, like spotted bear cubs, love their owners to the point of madness, but, like most large dogs, they can try to control them. Such attempts at dominance are mainly found in young dogs during the period of growing up, and they need to be gently suppressed – to show the dog that, of course, everyone loves it, but the head of the house is still the owner. If this is not done, then in the future there may be serious problems with the obedience of the pet.

Landseers very well feel the mood of the owner, so rudeness is inappropriate in their upbringing – much more success can be achieved with affection and praise.

These dogs mature late and do not like to be left alone. A pet of this breed needs to be given a lot of attention and care and do not forget to provide physical activity – representatives of the breed need to release energy and regular activity.

Landseer Care

Landseers have a long coat with a thick undercoat, and it requires careful daily care, otherwise it can roll into tangles.

To make the coat look neat, it must first be combed with a stiff brush, and then with a regular one, distributing the natural lubricant evenly along the entire length. Dogs need natural lubrication to make their coat water-repellent, so it is not recommended to bathe Landseers often with shampoos.

Representatives of the breed shed actively, changing the undercoat twice a year. At this time, the dog requires more careful care.

Conditions of detention

It is not easy to keep such a pet as a Landseer in an apartment: these dogs take up a lot of space and love movement, and during the molting period they can cause a lot of trouble to their owners. But you can put up with these shortcomings, and if you give walks and games for 2-3 hours a day, then the Landseer will feel great in the apartment.

The ideal conditions for keeping these dogs is a spacious house with a large yard, where there is a lawn for running and playing and a pool in which your pet will enjoy swimming or retrieving abandoned toys from there.

Landseer – Video

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