Characteristics of Hovawart
Country of origin | Germany |
The size | Large |
Growth | 58–70 cm |
Weight | 30–40 kg |
Age | about 12 years old |
FCI breed group | Pinschers and Schnauzers, Molossians, Mountain and Swiss Cattle Dogs, section |
Brief information
- Balanced, self-confident;
- They have highly developed protective qualities;
- Friendly and patient with children.
Hovawart is a fairly ancient breed, the first mention of which dates back to the 13th century. It gained particular popularity in the 15th century. Then the “watchmen of the yard”, and this is how “hovawart” is translated from German, were among the noble breeds. These dogs (they were considered a symbol of the aristocracy) were started by representatives of the nobility. However, gradually interest in them faded away, and the dogs became simple peasant hard workers. Only at the beginning of the 20th century, breeding scientists again drew attention to them. Work began to restore the breed, and in 1955 the Hovawart was officially registered with the FCI .
Representatives of this breed today serve not only as guides, rescuers and guards, but are increasingly acting as family companions. Moreover, they are ideal for both families with school-age children and the elderly.
Already in puppyhood, the Hovawart demonstrates sensitivity, attentiveness and obedience. He quickly becomes attached to the owner and always tries to follow the rules established in the house. But even the outstanding mental abilities of a pet do not cancel the need for his training . You need to find an approach to the dog: classes should be enjoyable for both the animal and the owner. On a pet, in no case should you raise your voice or force him to carry out commands .

Hovawart is a dog of one owner, although many in the family can obey. True, representatives of the breed are able to make independent decisions and show independence – this is in their blood. Moreover, pride, courage and self-respect are the defining qualities of this breed.
The Hovawart may be jealous and may also try to dominate the household. It is rarely taken as a second dog, more often kept alone or in the company of other representatives of this breed. But with cats and rodents, there are no problems in communication: the dog calmly reacts to such neighbors.
Hovawart treats children with respect, can become a gentle nanny. He gets along best with school-age children.
Despite the long coat, the care of the Hovawart does not require special procedures. It is enough to comb your pet’s coat once a week with a furminator brush and bathe it as needed.
Conditions of detention
Hovawart needs long walks in the fresh air. In addition, it is not suitable for keeping in an aviary or on a chain. He will feel great in free range, living outside the city in a private house. And in a large city apartment, a pet can get along, the main thing is to choose the right load for him.
Hovawart – Video