Flosscope scandens
Types of Aquarium Plants

Flosscope scandens

Floscopa skandens, scientific name Floscopa cf. scandens. The prefix “cf” indicates the collective name under which several closely related species belonging to the genus Floscopa are supplied. The plant itself comes from tropical Asia, is currently exported from many nurseries, including European ones.

Outwardly similar to the popular houseplant Creeping Callisia. The similarity is explained by the fact that both belong to the same Commelinaceae family. Floskopa skandens has a massive upright stem resembling bamboo. Large (up to 8 cm in length) wide (up to 2 cm) lanceolate leaves are located on the stem, one on each tier. Grows up to half a meter in height. The plant can grow both under water and grow above the surface, while the shape of the leaf blades practically does not change. In the air, the leaves become dense glossy and acquire a dark green color. Underwater opposite, light green and soft wavy with a slightly wavy edge.

It can be used both in aquariums and paludariums, wet greenhouses. For normal growth, nutritious acidic soil (soil) is required. The water is warm with low pH and dGH values. Any level of illumination, but you can not shade.

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