Echinodorus Blehera
Echinodorus Blehera, scientific name Echinodorus grisebachii “Bleherae”. Known in the aquarium trade since 1970 and has changed several names during this time. It is a species of the extensive genus Echinodorus grisebachii, to which Echinodorus Amazonis belongs in particular. It does not occur in nature, it was cultivated in Southeast Asia and has several hybrid varieties, the number of which is constantly increasing.
Echinodorus Blehera is rightfully considered a popular aquarium plant due to its ability to grow in a wide range of acceptable temperatures and hydrochemical values. It grows exclusively under water, in favorable conditions it can grow up to 60 cm in height. Does not require the introduction of additional fertilizers. In an aquarium with fish, nutrients will be formed naturally.
The plant has large lanceolate green leaves growing from a single center – a rosette, passing into a fibrous root system. Reproduction occurs due to the formation of side shoots, which can be carefully separated, thereby obtaining a new sprout.