Bedlington Terrier
Dog Breeds

Bedlington Terrier

Characteristics of Bedlington Terrier

Country of originGreat Britain
The sizeAverage
Growth38-43 cm
Weight8–10 kg
Age12–14 years old
FCI breed groupTerriers
Bedlington Terrier Characteristics

Brief information

  • Energetic, need sufficient physical activity;
  • The main feature of the breed is the “sheep” appearance;
  • Very jealous, do not get along well with other animals.


A dog in sheep’s clothing is what the Bedlington Terrier is often called. Behind the original pretty appearance is a real hunter, brave and fearless.

The history of the breed began in the 19th century in England. In the town of Bedlington, small hunting dogs were bred, which were used to exterminate rats and small rodents. The agility and agility of the animals were appreciated not only by the locals. It is said that the gypsies even taught them simple tricks and trained them to participate in ruthless rat fights.

Bedlington did not long remain a hard worker and householder. Very soon, representatives of high society paid attention to him, and the dog became a favorite of the English aristocracy. The breeders slightly corrected the appearance of the pets and made their character softer. This is how the Bedlington Terrier appeared in its modern form – an excellent companion and comrade.

However, the past of representatives of this breed makes itself felt. Tireless, energetic and courageous, the Bedlington Terrier requires active walks and exercise. It takes a lot of work with him.


In addition, he needs training and early socialization. It’s all about the inconsistency of his character: on the one hand, this is a faithful and devoted dog who is ready to give his life for his master, but, on the other hand, he can be selfish and very jealous. Therefore, experts do not recommend starting a breed for families with children or couples who are planning a child. The dog will certainly react very coldly to such competition for the attention and love of the owner. However, there are pleasant exceptions. The main thing is the proper upbringing of the pet.

Bedlington Terriers are highly intelligent: they are smart and quick-witted. Pets will be happy to learn new commands and will be able to appreciate puzzle toys.

Bedlington Terrier Care

The Bedlington Terrier needs careful grooming for its soft, curly coat. To avoid the appearance of tangles, every two to three days the pet should be combed with a massage brush, and every six to eight weeks – cut by a groomer. It is better to teach your pet to these procedures from childhood, then they will not cause trouble.

In addition, it is recommended to inspect your pet’s teeth and ears every month, as well as cut his claws .

Conditions of detention

The Bedlington Terrier is suitable for keeping in a city apartment, the main thing is that you need to walk with your pet two or three times a day, play with it and exercise. Without proper load, the character of the dog can deteriorate.

Bedlington Terrier – Video

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