Why is my dog ​​not barking?

Why is my dog ​​not barking?

Have you noticed that your dog doesn’t bark like the neighbors? For some owners, a dog that doesn’t bark is something they can only dream of. But for others, it may be cause for concern.

Dogs bark for a variety of reasons. In addition to warning intruders to stay away, or warning you of a potential threat, your pet may also bark because it is upset, bored, or simply wants to get your attention. Dogs also sometimes bark to express their emotions – fear, anger or excitement.

There are as many reasons why some dogs don’t bark as there are reasons to bark. Here are some of the most common reasons why your dog doesn’t bark.

Features of the breed

Why is my dog ​​not barking? Some breeds, such as the Basenji, have a calm disposition and tend to bark less than others. This does not mean that they never bark or express their emotions in other ways, such as howling or squealing. But in general, such dogs bark little.


Of great importance is the temperament of the breed. Dogs are individuals, each with unique personality traits. Some of them do not bark because they are simply too calm and friendly, others may not like their own barking.

honeymoon stage

Your quiet dog, if you recently adopted him, may not bark because he may be too shy. Cuteness says that adopted or rescued animals often behave better in the first days or even weeks after they are adopted. If this is the case, your dog will start to bark more as he settles in and becomes more comfortable in his new environment.

Sprain or health problems

If your pet has suddenly stopped barking, or seems to be trying to bark without making any sound, she may have become hoarse from barking too loudly. Recent surgery is another reason why she may become quieter than usual, or she may just not be feeling well. And if your dog suddenly becomes silent, this could also indicate a health problem. You should contact your veterinarian to find out possible causes.

Training or preventing a dog from barking

If you adopted an animal from a shelter or a dog whose history is unknown, it is possible that the previous owners deprived it of the ability to bark, that is, they performed a surgical operation on it, which is the cutting of the vocal cords to reduce the volume of the sound. Dogs deprived of the ability to bark are still able to do so, albeit in a low voice. We do not recommend doing this. The best way to wean a dog from barking loudly is training. Another possible reason could be that your dog was previously weaned from barking or was forced to wear a collar that suppressed his barking and eradicated the habit at the same time. Unfortunately, it is also possible that the puppy has been abused in the past, as a result of which he was afraid to speak up. In such cases, your dog needs love and time so that he can overcome his fear and begin to bark as usual.

Finally, you know your dog best, and only you can determine if the phrase “my dog ​​doesn’t bark” means something to worry about or not. If you’re worried about why your pet is silent, talk to your veterinarian to rule out medical or psychological reasons. But if it turns out that your dog is just quiet, relax and consider yourself lucky!

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