Why dogs can’t have grapes: let’s talk about the reasons

Why dogs can’t have grapes: let’s talk about the reasons

“Why can’t dogs have grapes if they are healthy?” – many people ask this question. And that’s right: grapes are generally useful! This is true, but it is useful for a person. It should absolutely not be given to a dog, and in this article I will tell you why.

Why can’t dogs grapes: let’s talk about the reasons

So, why so to give Is this product not suitable for pets?

  • Answering to the question of why dogs can’t have grapes First of all, it must be noted that it produces toxins simply kill the kidneys of animals. The dog’s body is simply not able to process them, resulting in sometimes the most negative effects. And starting with poisoning and ending fatal, so that’s all really serious.
  • phosphorus, nitrogen, manganese, copper, calcium – that’s all useful for sure. However they are good in moderation, and in the case of dogs, the measure is much less human. When eating grape content of all of these elements in the blood increases repeatedly. And here everything is individual: can happen as just abundant stool, and poisoning. It all depends on individual characteristics of each specific dog.
  • On the the surface of some berries can be found pesticide residues – probably sometimes poisoning occurs and therefore. However, as the researchers note, the number of poisonings is not coincides with the number of berries containing pesticide traces. That is, grapes even the most environmentally friendly is harmful.

Grape poisoning: how is manifested

So, How do you know if a pet has been poisoned? grapes?

  • First deed, you need to immediately remember how much he ate the berries. A lot depends on weight. animal: if it is less than 20 kg, then literally 8-10 berries are already dangerous. A raisin and much more dangerous than fresh berries – 3 or 4 raisins for a dog of this weight categories are as dangerous as 8-10 fresh berries! If the pet ate the indicated number or, moreover, exceeded him, you should immediately beware.
  • Как as a rule, within the first hours to detect problem is almost impossible. Как Typically, symptoms appear on 4-6 hours after eating berries. However, it’s individual and some dogs show symptoms of poisoning grapes after as many as 3-4 days! However, the first case is a manifestation during hours is more common.
  • The dog begins, which is quite predictable at poisoning, nausea. And in vomit masses can easily find pieces of berries.
  • Diarrhea also happens frequently. And often in feces you can also find the remains of grapes.
  • Dog constantly thirsty. И it is difficult to confuse with the usual desire drink water – thirst overcomes the pet Often. И this is understandable because it starts dehydration. It can also be understood by pallor of the nose and gums.
  • А very little urine comes out. That is, the urge to go to the toilet small needs arise dogs are rarer than usual.
  • Animal becomes very lethargic. Pet not I want to go for a walk, play and in general somehow be active.

What to do in case of poisoning dog grapes

That what to do if all the signs indicate that the dog ate an unacceptable number of grapes or raisins?

  • Required you need to take your pet to the vet. Delay is fraught, so immediately you need to take a pet armpit – and run to the nearest specialist. Only doctor be able to properly palpate take a blood test, perform an ultrasound kidneys and abdomen. Without it normally start treatment will not work. If the doctor offer to put the dog on a stationary examination for several days it is desirable to agree to this.
  • While the animal did not get to the veterinarian, you can take some steps on your own. For example, give activated charcoal, based on the weight of the animal. Also need provide your pet with plenty of fluids.
  • Rather in total, the dog will be prescribed liquid intravenous therapy. And agree to it is absolutely necessary to save kidneys. As a rule, such therapy lasts from 48 to 72 hours.
  • Can also prescribe therapy to maintain liver work. In some cases and she suffers from grapes.
  • Also often prescribed a special diet. She is the most gentle, which will help support the body. И it is desirable to adhere to it at least months.

Grapes are delicious and healthy, of course. Both fresh and raisins. And chocolate with raisins, pastries with it – a separate type of treat! But the problem is that the pet can not do any of the above. Therefore, it is better to buy him special dog treats, thereby preserving the health of your beloved dog.

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