Why does a cat bite when you stroke it?
Cat Behavior

Why does a cat bite when you stroke it?

There may be several reasons. For example, a cat may use its teeth if it is not sufficiently accustomed to living together with a person. As a rule, this happens if you have already taken an adult / bred animal into the house. The cat does not fully trust you: who else is touching her precious tail or ruffling her ears? The solution is quite simple – slowly, step by step, with treats and persuasion, accustom the animal to your hands. Stock up on patience.

The animal may bite in another case. You have acquired/raised a small tiger. Yes, oddly enough, a shameless “nipper” can grow out of a kitten that you groomed and cherished from young claws. The animal has a dominant and harmful character. Yes, contrary to popular belief, not all cats like to be stroked. This is the most difficult option. True, and the rarest. The solution, on the one hand, is very complex, and on the other, it is simple. Respect your pet. Of course, any signs of aggression must be immediately stopped by splashing water, clapping a newspaper (and not at the pet, but nearby: the main thing is the sound), lifting it by the collar (large heavy cats must be supported by the sirloin) and generally expressing disapproval of feline ingratitude in every possible way . The degree of heat will be removed by castration / sterilization. Do you still want to stand your ground? Then stock up on brilliant green and iodine, as well as snacks.

Biting a cat when petting it may just be from fatigue. You just squeezed the animal – stroked too intensively or for too long. You can correct the situation by understanding the safe boundaries of the process: do not choke with love, but still punish for outrages. Parity must be established.

A pet can also bite from pain. If something hurts a cat, stroking may not be a pleasure, but quite the opposite. If you notice that touching certain places causes your pet obvious discomfort, immediately contact the veterinarian. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound or x-ray.

Biting a cat, receiving affection, may also be due to character traits. Imagine that you, with your misplaced concern, woke up their highness, well, or tore them away from a pleasant activity – eating, playing, meditating. Do you know this feature of your cat? Just keep that in mind when you feel like petting her, and that’s it.

Also, this behavior can be caused by one of the most disgusting feline traits – vindictiveness. It depends on the character, it manifests itself to varying degrees and not for everyone. Moreover, the beast can hold a grudge not only for obvious things – bathing, cutting claws, painful medical procedures, but also within the framework of projected aggression. You scratch your Murka behind the ear, and she sees how at this time her sworn friend Bobik destroys the contents of her bowl. The result of a complex psychological construct is your bitten fingers. You can get rid of the problem – learn to understand the mood of a four-legged friend. Well, don’t give up, of course. The methods of influence are the same.

It seems that the cat bites suddenly. This is not true. Learn to read signals. A warning may be active movements of the tail, pressing the ears, dilated pupils, cessation of purring. Watch for these signs.

Do not ignore bites – treat wounds immediately to prevent infection.

Sometimes a cat may not bite, but cling to with two front paws. Trimming your nails will protect you from serious scratches.

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