Why do cats drop things on the floor?
Of course, such behavior of a pet amuses someone. But this is until he threw it on the floor and broke a new iPhone or something else no less valuable. Then it becomes clear that such behavior needs to be dealt with, and urgently.
So why do cats behave this way?
First, because of the banal boredom. If your pet has few or no favorite toys, then everything that lies incorrectly will be used. Therefore, first of all, make sure that the pet has a choice of various toys. Then he will be able to occupy his leisure time with more peaceful things, and not destroy your house.

Secondly, with such behavior, the pet may be trying to get your attention. When a cat drops something on the floor, a loud sound is heard, to which you most likely react immediately. You call the cat by name and pick up the item it dropped. At this point, of course, you can scold your pet, but the more important thing for him is that he was able to get your attention, and you, in his opinion, joined his game.
In this case, it is better not to immediately react to what happened, so as not to encourage such undesirable behavior. Wait a while and only then pick up the fallen object. Well, so that the cat, in principle, does not have a desire to attract your attention in such a destructive way, spend time with it more often – play, caress, comb out, communicate.
And finally, thirdly, throwing objects on the floor is one of the ways your cat explores the world around her. The pet sniffs a thing, touches it with its paws, pushes and bites to understand – what is it, can it be eaten or can it be played with? Therefore, if your cat is exploring the house in this way, then the main advice here is one – do not leave fragile and valuable things where the cat can easily get to.
July 9 2021
Updated: August 16, 2021