Can cats get offended?
Cat Behavior

Can cats get offended?

Can cats get offended?

To say more about journalist, who is a 30-year-old cat lover, says that, from the point of view of any owner, a pet can show a wide range of emotions. At the same time, resentment not the last one. Often, some pet owners can recognize the negative emotions of their pet by the slightest change in the expression of the muzzle. However, everyone unanimously claims that cats easily move away and are not vindictive.

However, veterinarians do not support animal lovers in this matter: doctors assure that in such cases we are talking about “anthropomorphism” tendency to endow domestic animals with human qualities. In reality, there can be no talk of any grievances in cats.

“Unfortunately, we often endow pets with traits and abilities that they do not and cannot have,” quotes the author of the words of expert animal psychologist Marilyn Krieger. 

April 20 2020

Updated: April 22, 2020

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