Why castrate a cat and how sterilization affects health

Why castrate a cat and how sterilization affects health

Neutering and castration are safe procedures designed to rid your pet of sexual desire and, as a result, unwanted offspring. The difference between the terms is that in the first case, we are usually talking about the removal of the ovaries and uterus in a cat, and in the second, the testicles in a cat.

Why Pet Spaying Is Necessary

If you list the pros and cons of sterilization, then the first are much more. The operation allows you to prevent:

  • undesirable behavior associated with sexual desire;
  • a number of diseases, including malignant tumors;
  • increase in the number of stray animals.

Of the shortcomings, the risk of weight gain is noted first of all. However, this problem is easily solved by a special complete and balanced food for neutered cats and sterilized cats. Thus, the benefits of sterilization clearly outweigh.

How spaying affects the health of cats

A whole range of problems disappears due to the decrease in territoriality: a neutered cat is less likely to indicate its leadership and protect the space from potential competitors. In particular, odor marks completely disappear (and the smell itself becomes not so caustic). If a cat marks after castration, it is possible that we are talking about a disease of the urinary tract, because of which he cannot tolerate the tray. In such a situation, you should definitely contact your veterinarian.

In addition, the suppression of the instinct to defend one’s territory reduces the cat’s aggression, making it more affectionate and docile. He ceases to attract females by meowing – which is especially important, since at night the volume of calls increases. At the same time, the opinion about the lethargy and apathy of sterilized cats does not correspond to reality: rather, on the contrary, they become more concentrated on the person.

No less important is the prevention of a number of serious, sometimes even fatal diseases. If you castrate a cat, he probably won’t get testicular cancer. The risk of sexually transmitted infections is also excluded: viral immunodeficiency, viral leukemia. In neutered cats, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, and tumors of the perianal sinuses are much less common.

To the question “How long do neutered cats live?” researchers answer: a few years longer than uncastrated. The statistics are improved both by diseases that can be avoided and the prevention of a tendency to escape during the mating season.

As for the question at what age cats are castrated, the age after 6 months is considered optimal. By this time, the body is almost formed, but the hormones responsible for puberty are not yet produced. Procrastination is dangerous because the hormonal background subsides slowly and the effect of sterilization is delayed by almost half a year.

Why does a cat need specialized food for sterilized animals?

Experts note that after castration, cats really gain weight – according to some reports, body weight gain can be almost 30%. There are several reasons for this:

  • Change in hormonal balance, which leads to a slowdown in metabolism.
  • Some decrease in activity. Calories that were previously spent on maintaining and developing muscle mass turn out to be superfluous and are deposited in the form of fat.
  • Increase in appetite. Apparently, this is due to the fact that the lost instinct of reproduction is replaced by food.

If you sterilize a pet and then do not take any action, it will most likely become overweight, provoking many diseases. To prevent this from happening, a transfer to a special food for sterilized cats is necessary. It can be dry food, or wet food, or a combination of both – the main thing is that the food be developed taking into account the needs after castration. Such a diet is characterized by a reduced calorie content in order to avoid the accumulation of fat reserves. In addition, substances are added to complete and balanced nutritional feeds to maintain energy in neutered cats and sterilized cats and components for the health of the urinary system.

Understanding the importance of proper and healthy nutrition of a neutered cat, you will give him a long life filled with positive emotions.


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