Why are turtles slow?

The average speed of a land tortoise is 0,51 km/h. Aquatic species move faster, but they, in comparison with mammals and most reptiles, look clumsy phlegmatic. To understand why turtles are slow, it is worth remembering the physiological characteristics of the species.
The slowest tortoise in the world is the giant Galapagos tortoise. She moves at a speed of 0.37 km/h.
The reptile has a massive shell formed from bone plates fused with the ribs and spine. Natural armor is able to withstand pressure many times greater than the weight of the animal. For protection, the turtle pays with dynamics. The mass and structure of the structure hinder its movement, which affects the speed of movement.
The pace at which reptiles walk also depends on the structure of their paws. Slow turtle from the marine family, completely transformed in the water. The density of sea water helps it hold its weight. Flipper-like limbs, uncomfortable on land, effectively cut through the water surface.
The turtle is a cold-blooded animal. Their body does not have mechanisms for independent thermoregulation. Reptiles get the necessary heat to generate energy from the environment. The body temperature of cold-blooded animals can exceed the inherent area by no more than a degree. The activity of the reptile decreases significantly with a cold snap, up to hibernation. In warmth, the pet crawls faster and more willingly.
Why do turtles crawl slowly
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