What to buy for a gerbil?

What to buy for a gerbil?

Before you bring your gerbil home, make sure you prepare everything you need for your new pet.

What to buy for a gerbil?

  1. Drinking bowl for rodents. It can be nipple or ball, the first option is more popular. The main thing is that the drinker does not leak. Check this by filling the container with water: the liquid should only flow out when squeezing from the sides or pressing the ball. It is better not to use tap water for drinking a rodent, choose bottled still water, filtered or boiled. Water should be at room temperature.
  2. Litter – most often it is sawdust. They have a number of advantages: they are inexpensive, they are easy to use, they are sold in all pet stores and they have a pleasant smell. Sawdust from the nearest sawmill will not work: coniferous sawdust comes across there (they cannot be used), metal rubbish, etc. Corn litter can also serve as bedding.
  3. Sand bath container. Gerbils are not bathed in water, and in order for the animals to clean their fur, install a bath with sand for rodents in the cage.
  4. Wheel. When choosing a “sports equipment” consider the safety of the pet. If the gerbil’s tail gets caught between moving parts, it will be injured. Therefore, the safest wheel is a closed type or equipped with a net.
  5.  feeder. It should be made of ceramic or plastic, and it is good if it is quite heavy – so the animals will not be able to turn it over. Place the feeder on an elevation (shelf or roof of the house) so that rodents do not bury it.
  6. House. A wide variety of houses are presented in pet stores: ceramic, wooden, plastic. But a plastic or wooden house will be destroyed quite quickly, as the animals will sharpen their teeth about it. Don’t forget to clean the house while cleaning the cage. The old building is being replaced with a new one.

What to buy for a gerbil?In the photo: gerbils«

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