What causes a snail shell to crack?
In the modern world, a new trend has appeared – to get yourself exotic pets. Nowadays, it is not enough for people to have a standard Bobik or Mursik in the house, they want something of that kind, unusual and extraordinary. That is why you can often see spiders, lizards and even snails at familiar houses.
Of all the current exotics, snails can be attributed to the most calm and harmless pets, but nevertheless, they are not very ordinary. In addition, the use of a snail will cost you cheaply, since it is small in size. You will need either a large jar or a small aquarium for it, so don’t worry about free space.
The main rule here is not to forget to feed the pet, and remember about the rules of hygiene. If you do nothing illegal, then the snail will live comfortably and remain in excellent health. Be sure to keep an eye on the integrity of the shell of your snail, and if cracks are found, do whatever is necessary.
What could cause such a problem? Sometimes this is due to thin and withered skin, or inaccurate transfer of the snail or improper handling of it. Sometimes, carried away with hugs or games, the owners themselves, without noticing it, put too much pressure on the shell, and a crack appears, and from large faults you can see the body of the snail.
Sometimes it is difficult for a person to guess the force of pressing, and a simple touch for him turns out to be too strong for the pet’s shell. And thus a crack is formed, large or small, which is sometimes initially invisible. Also, the snail may fall, or you will carelessly transfer it. In any of the situations, as a result of which the shell cracks, you need to contact the veterinary clinic.
To prevent such incidents, be careful and careful with your pet, try to protect his shell. To do this, do not keep piercing or cutting objects in an aquarium or jar (these can be pebbles, twigs or even toys). Do not let your Achatina crawl very high up the walls of the aquarium, because falling is very dangerous.
There are always reasons for any injury and shell crack. Sometimes this is not due to mechanical damage, but to poor genetics or the peculiar structure of the mollusk shell.