Proper care, maintenance and feeding of the red-eared turtle

Proper care, maintenance and feeding of the red-eared turtle

The red-eared turtle is considered one of the most common species of freshwater turtles. She lives in the wild, and is kept at home. The red-eared turtle can be found mainly in the southern states of the United States and in the northeastern territories of Mexico. There she lives in shallow waters. In addition, this type of freshwater is common in southern and northern Africa, in some areas of Australia, Asia and in central and southern parts of Europe. In the course of their evolution, red-eared turtles have become more hardy and omnivorous, able to withstand relatively low temperatures. Thanks to this, their habitat has expanded significantly.


The name “red-eared” turtle received for 2 bright red (or orange) oblong spots that are on its head next to the eyes. Carapace diameter from 3 to 30 cm. But sometimes among the representatives of the red-eared there are also “giants”. The diameter of their shell can reach 60 cm. Its lower part (plastron) has an oval shape and a dark color. It has a small border and yellow stripes. The dorsal part (carapace) is green at first (when the red-eared turtle is still young), and then it becomes olive or yellow-brown. During the first two years, the red-eared turtle grows very quickly. Therefore, it will need to be fed frequently. But then growth slows down. An adult is fed much less often than a young one.

Red-eared turtle: care

Red-eared turtles can be kept in groups or alone. But in any case, it must be borne in mind that for one individual you need aquaterrarium with a volume of at least 110-130 liters. You should not collect a group only of males. Otherwise, battles for territory will constantly occur. Also, all individuals must be of the same size and age. Caring for an animal at home in general is not accompanied by any serious difficulties. However, for the normal development of the turtle, you need to know some important points.

Arrangement of an aquaterrarium

To ensure proper care of the red-eared turtle, the aquaterrarium should be filled to 20-25 cm with warm (26-28 degrees) clean water. It needs to be changed at least 1-2 times every week if a filter is not installed in the aquaterrarium. If it is installed, then the water can be changed once a month. Water should be poured no less than the width of the shell of the red-eared turtle. With this amount, she will be able to roll over on her own if she falls on her back. To maintain a constant temperature, you can equip the aquaterrarium with a special heater with a sensor or just put it in a warm place.


It should occupy at least 25% of the total area of ​​the aquaterrarium. Equipping the “land”, you need to make sure that the “island” is somewhat inclined from the bottom. The surface should be rough, but safe. “Land” should be placed 25-30 cm from the top edge of the aquaterrarium. The “island” can be covered with soil, but you need to ensure that it does not pour into the water.

Additional heating

Red-eared turtle in the wild loves to bask in the sun. Instead, a simple incandescent and ultraviolet lamp should be hung above the “island”. The latter is needed to ensure the normal development and growth of the red-eared turtle, as well as to prevent various diseases. The ultraviolet lamp should be located 50 cm above the “island”. It should be turned on first for 5 minutes 1-2 times a week, gradually increasing the duration to 30 minutes and the frequency to every day. It is advisable to install a thermometer to control the air temperature (it should not be more than 30 degrees).

How to feed red-eared turtles?

Nutrition for a pet is as important as proper care. In order for the red-eared turtle to develop normally, food should be balanced. During active growth, the red-eared turtle is fed mainly animal food. As you get older, your diet will include more plant-based foods. Red-eared sliders should be fed daily for the first two years. From the third year, the number of meals is reduced to 2 or 3 per week.

What to feed the red-eared turtle?

Special dry or frozen food can be purchased at the pet store. You can also feed the red-eared turtle and homemade mixture. For her you will need:

  1. Carrots 70 c.
  2. Cabbage – 50 gr.
  3. Fish fillet – 145 gr.
  4. Apple – 50 gr.
  5. Squid fillet – 100 gr.
  6. Raw egg – 2 pcs.
  7. Calcium glycerophosphate – 10 tab.
  8. Milk – 150 ml.
  9. Water – 150 ml.
  10. Means “Tetravit” – 20 cap.
  11. Gelatin – 30 gr.

Prepare the mixture need as follows:

  1. Add hot water to gelatin to make it swell.
  2. Heat the mixture in a water bath until completely dissolved.
  3. Grind all remaining components, except for eggs, milk and drugs, in a meat grinder.
  4. Add eggs, milk and hot gelatin to the chopped ingredients.
  5. Allow the mass to cool to 30 degrees.
  6. Add vitamins and tablets, refrigerate.

Before feeding your red-eared turtle, the mixture should be brought to room temperature. On average, her enough for 10 feedings. Sometimes it’s good to diversify your diet. You can feed the red-eared turtle with germinated wheat, legumes, sunflower seeds. She also needs to periodically give sprigs of apple or pear. This is necessary so that the horny plates located in the red-eared turtle on the upper and lower jaws do not turn into a “beak”.


Proper care of the turtle involves not only the creation of a comfortable habitat and a balanced diet. Like other animals, she can get sick. It is necessary to correctly determine which disease has appeared in the pet. From this will depend on the features of caring for her. Red-eared turtles can suffer from diseases of the skin, eyes, shell or internal organs. You can, of course, try to cope on your own, but it is best to contact your veterinarian.

How to treat red-eared turtles at home?

One of the most effective ways is chamomile decoction (pharmacy). It must be prepared according to the instructions on the package. The turtle must be taken in hand and gently held over the steam for about five minutes. After that, you need to dilute the decoction with water (1 cup per 3 liters of water).

The temperature of the mixture should be approximately 28-30 degrees. The pet needs to be put in it and held for about 40-60 minutes. After that, the turtle can be returned to the aquarium. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. When your pet is sick, they need special care. The water temperature in the aquarium at this time should be maintained at a constant level (28-30 degrees). Feed a sick pet should be food rich in vitamins.

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