Welsh Terrier
Dog Breeds

Welsh Terrier

Characteristics of Welsh Terrier

Country of originGreat Britain
The sizeaverage
Growth36-39 cm
Weight9–10 kg
Ageabout 14 years old
FCI breed groupterriers
Welsh Terrier Characteristics

Brief information

  • Another name for the breed is the Welsh Terrier;
  • Willful, can show independence and try to dominate;
  • Active and very energetic.


The ancestor of the Welsh Terrier is the now defunct black and tan terrier, which was bred by Welsh farmers since the 16th century. Dogs helped people hunt, protected the house and even exterminated small rodents. It was a versatile breed that combined guard and hunting qualities. And the Welsh Terrier is in many ways similar to its ancestors.

It is believed that the first Welsh Terrier club appeared in 1886. Since that time, pure breeding of the breed began. By the way, despite the outward resemblance to Airedale Terriers , Welsh dogs differ from them in character and habits.

Welsh Terriers are quick-tempered, cunning and very intelligent dogs. A delinquent pet will do everything possible so that the owner forgives him as soon as possible – the dog uses all his charm.

Welsh Terriers choose one owner whom they love and idolize. Other family members for them are a pack with which they communicate on an equal footing, without singling out anyone.


Dogs of this breed are very persistent and persistent in achieving their goals. This is very noticeable in education. Welsh Terrier needs training , without it, a pet can become spoiled and capricious. And it is best to train the dog with a professional dog handler , especially if the owner does not have such experience.

The Welsh Terrier is not suitable for people who prefer a quiet and peaceful holiday. This active and cheerful battery dog ​​is ready to relax and travel with his family: skiing, going to the country and even flying on an airplane . Representatives of this breed love active pastime and easily endure any travel if the owner is nearby.

Welsh Terriers are loyal to children, but sometimes they can be jealous. Therefore, it is better not to leave a child alone with a dog. With animals, the Welsh Terrier can be cocky and even aggressive, and it is not always possible to find a common language. This dog may strive for dominance, chase cats, and perceive rodents as an object of hunting.

Welsh Terrier Care

The curly, coarse coat of the Welsh Terrier needs trimming, and this should be done three to four times a year. If the dog is domestic, it can simply be trimmed periodically . However, in this case, the quality of the pet’s coat will change: it will brighten and become softer.

Welsh Terriers do not shed, but a couple of times a month they should still be combed with a massage brush. This procedure will help keep your pet’s skin healthy. Bathe representatives of this breed once or twice a month.

Conditions of detention

The Welsh Terrier feels great both in a city apartment and in a private house. The key to the happiness of this dog is active long walks and various physical exercises: playing with a ball or frisbee and running bring her real pleasure.

Welsh Terrier – Video

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