Tyrolean Hound
Dog Breeds

Tyrolean Hound

Characteristics of Tyrolean Hound

Country of originAustria
The sizeAverage
Growth42–50 cm
Weight18–23 kg
Age10–15 years
FCI breed groupHounds, bloodhounds and related breeds
Tyrolean Hound Characteristics

Brief information

  • Possess excellent working qualities;
  • Unpretentious;
  • Get along well with family members.

Origin story

Tyrolean Hounds (Tyrolean Brakki) are one of the most popular hunting breeds in Austria, they were bred in the mountainous area in Tyrol, hence the name. Animals have been selected for centuries not for their looks, but for their hunting skills, endurance, intelligence, and devotion to their owners. And now the Tyrolean hounds can boast of an excellent sense of smell, the ability to work in the mountains, including in the glacier zone. 

These dogs can chase wounded animals for hours, notifying the owner in a ringing voice about how the hunt is going. The Celtic hounds are considered the ancestors of the Tyrolean Bracci. The breed has been known since the 16th century, but it was purebred breeding, with selection, including in appearance, that began in 1860. Already by 1896, the first standard was drawn up, and in 1908 the breed received official recognition .


The standard describes typical members of the breed as muscular, wiry dogs of medium size. At the same time, the length of the body of the Tyrolean Brakki is greater than the height of the animals at the withers. A head with a moderately broad skull, a distinct stop and a muzzle crowned with a black nose. The eyes of the hounds are large, rounded and dark in color. Ears – hanging, rounded at the ends. Legs are straight and strong. 

One of the features of this breed is a dense, thick coat with a well-defined undercoat and a fairly coarse awn, which allows the Tyrolean hounds not to be afraid of frost. The standard color is red or black with tan markings. The skin of the hounds is decorated with white marks on the neck, front of the chest, and paws. At the same time, the absence of white in the color is not considered a disadvantage.


Tyrolean Brakki are smart, easy to train and friendly dogs. They get along well with the owner and his family members. Among the disqualifying vices, the standard calls cowardice and aggression, which means that breeders reject dogs with such behavior from breeding.

Tyrolean Hound Care

Brakki are excellent hunting dogs that do not need special care. Everything is standard: handle the claws and ears as needed, comb out the hair with a stiff brush.


Consideration should be given to their strong hunting instinct and the need for prolonged physical exertion. Tyrolean hounds are better suited for keeping in a country house. Cats and small pets are best not kept together.


The cost of a puppy will depend both on the pedigree, physical data and prospects, as well as on what results his parents showed at exhibitions and hunting trials.

Tyrolean Hound – Video

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