Types of domestic and talking parrots, their characteristics and behavioral features

Types of domestic and talking parrots, their characteristics and behavioral features

Before getting a parrot, you need to think about why you need it. It is very important to purchase a parrot whose species will suit the owner’s living conditions. If there is no one in the apartment for a long time, you should not buy a talking parrot. From boredom and loneliness, he can begin to pull out his feathers and scream loudly. In such cases, it is better to purchase small parrots living in pairs.

General information about parrots

For the most part, parrots are very friendly creatures. Sometimes they behave funny and comically, surprising and delighting their owner. Many birds, sitting in a cage, can learn different games and tricks. Some views are fine mimic human speech, songs, whistles and other sounds they hear.

When purchasing a parrot, you should remember that it needs proper care. You constantly need to communicate with him, he does not tolerate loneliness and begins to act up. This is a noisy bird that scatters its food everywhere and leaves droppings. Therefore, a person leading a calm and measured lifestyle, this bird won’t fit. If the lifestyle of a person fits the character of this pet, you should go to the bird market and choose a feathered friend for yourself.

Types of domestic parrots

Domestic parrots are:

  • Large (macaw, jaco, cockatoo, amazons).
  • Medium (Corella, Lorikeets).
  • Small (budgerigars, lovebirds).

Types of talking parrots:

  • African grey.
  • Macaw.
  • Amazon.
  • Indian.
  • Lovers.
  • Corella nymph.
  • Eclectic.
  • Wavy parrots.
  • Australian parrot.

Next, consider the most popular types of parrots living at home.


The most popular species of domestic parrots. They are often started by families with small children. They can be kept singly, in pairs or in several pieces. These birds belong to the talking species of parrots. They practically do not make noise. They love human attention., quickly get used to the hands and easily learn various tricks. It is very easy to take care of them. Budgerigars are small in size, so they do not require a large cage. Live from 10 to 25 years.


This is a medium sized bird. Another name for him is a nymph. Good for families with kids because if they bite, it’s completely painless. They have a calm nature and quickly get used to their cage. A distinctive feature of this feathered – crest on the head. In our country, this species is considered the second most popular for keeping at home, after budgerigars. Corella loves to communicate with people. She is easy to tame, but she does not speak very willingly, she can only learn a few phrases.

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These birds come in two varieties:

  • White-bellied caique.
  • Black-headed Caique.

They have beautiful plumage and good at connecting with people. Unpretentious in content, very active and mobile. They are a pleasure to watch. However, they cannot be taught to speak words. They got their name due to the fact that they can only live in pairs, and they choose one partner for life. They often sit close to each other. They can live up to 20 years.


The most gifted species among parrots. According to the research results, it was found that has the mind of a five year old. Having a calm nature, he quickly gets used to people. Refers to the species of talking parrots. Able to pronounce not only words, but also whole sentences. They can whistle various melodies and sing songs, imitate the voices of different animals very well and exactly copy the voice of their master. They perfectly copy various sounds, for example, a phone call.

Jaco considers himself a full member of the family. He is very sensitive to how the owners treat him. Maybe even offended even then starts screaming loudly. Any change in his life causes great stress in this bird, even if it is a simple rearrangement of furniture. As a result, Jaco begins to pluck out his feathers. Therefore, you need to be very careful when making any changes. They can outlive their owners, living up to the age of 70 years.


belong to the genus large parrots. Due to their large size, they are difficult to keep at home. In addition, they can scream very loudly and piercingly, which not everyone can stand. Their plumage is very beautiful. The ability to learn the conversation of these birds is small, but they pronounce the words very clearly and loudly. This type of parrot lends itself well to training.

If the cage in which this parrot is placed made of thin wire, then with the help of its powerful beak, the pet destroys it. Therefore, the cage must be welded from steel rods. As soon as the macaw breaks out of its confinement, it is able to destroy all the furniture in the apartment.

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This parrot has white plumage, large crest and black beak. They are considered the most amusing birds. They comically crouch and bow, actively unfolding and lowering their crest. These birds are very fond of all segments of the population. They are easy to tame, but it is very difficult to teach them to talk, achieving only a couple of phrases. They can whistle different melodies and imitate different sounds. They open the locks in the cage doors, no matter how clever they are.

These birds are very capricious and noisy. They can be spoiled very much if you carry them on your hands all the time, let them walk and fly around the apartment. After that they hard to get to go to the cage. Alone, the cockatoo begins to scream continuously and sharply until the owner approaches him. They can live up to 100 years.

Thus, there are a large number of parrot species that can be kept at home. It remains only to make the right choice.

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