10 interesting facts about bears

10 interesting facts about bears

Such a predatory animal as a bear inspires fear and admiration at the same time. Many, having seen enough thrillers, are convinced that a meeting with this giant guarantees death, but it is worth knowing that a bear rarely perceives a person as prey. Usually, if he sees a person on the horizon, he tries to hide.

Situations when a bear attacks a person do happen, but this rarely happens and the animal does it without much joy. If suddenly you meet this predator, remember the rules: you can’t provoke a bear – if he feels that you want to attack him or take away his prey – he will become furious and start attacking.

You can’t run away from the animal yet – the bear will perceive you as a prey that he wants to catch up with (by the way, you still won’t be able to run away from him, because he runs much faster than a person). Also, you can not look the predator in the eye – he will take it as a challenge.

Of course, you can take note of these rules, but we would still advise you not to rely on fate and avoid encounters with a bear. By the way, many interesting stories are connected with this animal, and we want to tell you about it.

We present you 10 interesting facts about bears: brown, white and other species – behavioral features, habitat.

10 The cult of the bear among different peoples

10 interesting facts about bears

Almost all peoples treated bears with a peculiarity. In some countries, it is believed that this animal is the ancestor of man (by the way, the DNA of a panda from the “bear” family coincides by 68% with human DNA), in others, that a bear was once a man, but became a bear by the will of the gods.

For historians, the most interesting is the cult of the cave bear (a prehistoric subspecies of the brown bear) – the mysterious Elder God. Our ancestors were almost sure that the bear’s skull and front paws were endowed with the magical powers of this deity from the forest.

In the Austrian cave Drachenloch a few decades ago, an unusual structure was found, which is a box of stones. Age of the find: about 40 years. On the lid of this box was the skull of a cave animal and its crossed front paws (or rather, the bones of a bear). Scientists are still wondering why primitive people needed to keep bear skulls. Indeed curious…

9. Fur color depends on habitat

10 interesting facts about bears

Have you noticed that bears living in the Arctic are white, and those living in the Southern zone are brown? Really, their color is influenced by the habitat, the color of the bear is close to the surrounding vegetation or its other environment.

The colors of animals are quite diverse: red, brown, black (for example, Himalayan), white, black and white (pandas), brown (the color of a drill bear can be of various colors, up to light beige), etc. Bear hair also changes in color depending on the lighting and the season.

8. One third of Earth’s bears live in North America

10 interesting facts about bears

The flora and fauna of North America is unique. There are so many different animals and plants here that it has become a favorable environment for bears. Such a diversity of the animal world is associated with the natural location – the mainland is washed by three oceans: the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific.

The polar bear lives in the tundra of North America, in the taiga region – the black bear. Quite a lot of species of bears have found their refuge in North America.where they meet up to the central Mexican regions.

7. Good mind and great memory

10 interesting facts about bears

There are many beautiful animals on our planet – each one is different and shows unique qualities. The bear, a bright representative of children’s fairy tales and fables, has many interesting features that few people know about.

Bears have an excellent memory, they are excellent at navigating large areas thanks to their “internal compass” and are quick-witted when it comes to prey for subsistence.. Scientists note that bears have a good mind, which is not inferior to the intelligence of monkeys.

6. The largest individuals live in Alaska and Kamchatka

10 interesting facts about bears

The Kamchatka brown bear (belongs to the subspecies of “brown”) is considered the largest among its brethren.. These bears were discovered in 1898, which is interesting – they are not at all aggressive, maybe that’s why they keep a diet.

The bear feeds mainly on fish, and loves salmon! He can eat about 100 kg per day. this delicacy. The average weight of the Kamchatka giant is 150-200 kg, and the weight of some sometimes reaches 400 kg.

Bears, which are called grizzlies, are one of the most majestic inhabitants of Alaska. In addition, the grizzly is considered the largest predator in North America, so even an experienced hunter runs the risk of getting into trouble … The weight of this bear reaches half a ton, and when it rises on its hind legs, it reaches 3 meters in height.

5. The smallest species – Malayan bears

10 interesting facts about bears

This baby is recognized as the smallest bear on Earth – its weight does not exceed 65 kg., And its height is approximately 1,5 meters. The Malayan bear lives in Thailand, China, Myanmar, northeastern India, the island of Borneo (Kalimantan).

But do not think that this bear is harmless – it is very aggressive and has a ferocious character, but it can be easily trained if desired.

In Asian countries, the Malay bear can often be found with children playing or calmly walking around the house of its owner (some keep them at home).

4. Every year in Münster there is an exhibition of teddy bears.

10 interesting facts about bears

Everyone probably feels some tenderness at the sight of Teddy bears! They flaunt on almost all notebooks, notepads, calendars, etc. They are especially loved by children and teenagers.

Those who go to Germany, namely Münster, and love Teddy bears, simply must visit the exhibition TOTALLY TEDDY BEARwhich has been held annually since 1995. No other exhibition can boast of such a wealth of exhibits; there is everything here: rare old bears, famous manufactories and even products necessary for making toys.

3. They are called clubfoot individuals, since they rely either on 2 left paws or on 2 right paws

10 interesting facts about bears

Everyone has heard the expression “clubfoot bear” – as a joke, we can call our friends that without even thinking, but why, in fact, a clubfoot bear? Let’s answer this question.

If you have been to a circus or a zoo, you should have noticed that the bear walks, leaning either on 2 right paws or on 2 left ones. They walk, waddling from side to side, clubfoot, it turns out that their paws have a “wheel”. When they are in their normal position, their clubfoot is not noticeable.

2. Not all bears hibernate

10 interesting facts about bears

We are all used to thinking that bears go into hibernation – yes, this is typical for them, but not everyone does this. Sometimes it happens that the bear does not have time to accumulate the right amount of nutrients, so due to severe hunger in the winter, he wakes up.

The bear comes out of its lair and begins to wander in search of food. A bear that for some reason left the den is called a rod. They are dangerous for a person (they can even bully a tiger), because they are ready to attack him.

Also, in winter, giant pandas do not hibernate (only bears sleep), but at this time they become slow.

1. Bears have been printed on coins since ancient times.

10 interesting facts about bears

Bears have been depicted on coins since antiquity – starting from the 150s. before RH. Subsequently, coins with these beautiful and predatory animals began to be minted all over the world – from Greenland to Poland.

The bear is an animal of impressive size, majestic, and also common in different countries – they could be seen on many city coats of arms, which is why the image on money is so common with it.

Now these beautiful animals are sometimes emblazoned on commemorative coins – these are issued for charitable purposes or on the occasion of some important event.

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