Top 10 smartest cat breeds

Top 10 smartest cat breeds

The intelligence of a pet may differ in terms of learning speed, response to commands, good memory, or logical connections. Therefore, it is worth remembering that nature did not hold a championship in the mind, and any top 10 smartest cat breeds are subjective. Nevertheless, there are breeds that differ from others in their pronounced intelligence.

Norwegian Forest Cat

Opens the list of the smartest cats Norwegian Forest. This breed was bred in the 1930s from felines that lived in the forest. The ingenuity of pets is due to their genes – the Norwegians did not have to get food so easily in the wild. The character is balanced, although self-willed. They truly recognize one owner, for whom they become a companion. Other family members are only allowed to look after the majestic cat. But in a companion, the Norwegian forest read intonations and facial expressions. No wonder the breed is recognized as the official national cat of Norway.

Siamese cat

Siamese cats are famous for their increased love for themselves. Like the Norwegian forest, these pets find one owner-leader, and try to keep the rest of the family members and strangers away from them. A distinctive feature of the breed is vindictiveness, which speaks of the excellent memory of animals.


Orientals are also among the smartest cat breeds. Mainly because of the attention to the person. The owners note the almost supernatural responsiveness of pets, the ability to console in a bad mood. Therefore, Orientals love stroking and communicating with people. But there is also a downside of character – such cats do not forgive serious offenses.

Turkish angora

Cats of this breed have a wonderful feature – they learn almost the first time where and what to do. For example, they remember the place of the tray and bowl, understand why the scratching post is needed. Another plus of the Turkish Angora is patience when combing. Therefore, cats of this breed are often taken for training.

Burmese cat

The Burmese cat is insidious. Although she learns quite well, education should be permanent. A bored pet loves to play pranks: drop objects from a height, tear up furniture and engage in other cat tricks. But if you curb their wild temper, it is difficult to find a more faithful friend.

british shorthair cat

In this breed, the owners note arrogance, laziness and caution with tactile contact. Therefore, the British can turn into a self-satisfied ball of wool, ready to eat from the master’s plate despite commands. But at the same time, the breed is characterized by independence, calmness when alone, patience with other pets and children. British Shorthairs, like real aristocrats, need human care, and then they become faithful companions.

japanese bobtail

If the owner of the Japanese Bobtail is asked which cat breed is the smartest, he will undoubtedly point to his pet. It is no coincidence that the breed was nicknamed “cat-dog”. Perhaps bobtails are the most faithful cats on the planet, irrevocably attached to humans and even ready to defend the “leader” from all outsiders. At the same time, bobtails easily learn new things and remember many commands.

Bengal cat

Bengal cats were bred only in the middle of the last century, and the blood of Asian leopards speaks loudly in them. Pets are curious, adore hunting and physical activity. Therefore, it is difficult for them to live in small apartments – in search of adventure, Bengals can do a lot of trouble. Cats of this breed are best kept in private homes and loaded with training. Fortunately, they are well trained.

Abyssinian cat

According to legend, this breed comes from ancient Egypt. The evidence is the images of cats on the tombs of the pharaohs. It is difficult to confirm this, but it can be said for sure that Abyssinian cats love communication. They interact easily with humans and other pets. Abyssinians are stress-resistant, devoted and easily learn the rules of behavior in the house.

Maine Coon

The breed has gained popularity for its developed intelligence. Maine Coons are not just trainable – they can be walked on a leash! In addition, they love to play with water, know how to catch rodents, get along well with children, remember intonations and gestures.

There is no dependence on color, coat type, cat size and intelligence level. The mind of a cat is influenced by two factors: genes and care of the owner. Therefore, love and attention can make a curious and cheerful pet out of the most stupid stubborn.


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