Top 10 most popular cat breeds in Russia
Selection and Acquisition

Top 10 most popular cat breeds in Russia

Top 10 most popular cat breeds in Russia

Statistics say that cats are the most popular pets in our country, there are about 33,7 million of them. Russia ranks third in the world in terms of the number of cats. The leaders are the United States and China – 86 million and 85 million, respectively.

What kind of cats do our compatriots prefer?

Outbred Murkas and Barsiki are leading by a wide margin. They may be phenotypes of a particular breed (very similar, but without pedigrees); but most often the owners to the question “What kind of cat / cat do you have?” the answer is simply – “smooth-haired” or “fluffy.” And, of course, a kitten brought from the street or taken from a neighbor’s cat is no worse than its titled counterparts. We can only talk about preferences for the sex of the animal, the length of the coat and color. Most like red and fluffy, then – “sprat” (wild tabby color), white, black, gray – one-color cats.

But if we talk about thoroughbred animals, then the list of the most popular breeds and their varieties, for representatives of which future owners turn to nurseries or buy from breeders from their hands, is as follows:

  1. British Shorthair. Gained popularity with the signature smile of the “Cheshire cat”, the appearance of a cozy, calm plush pet and interesting colors. This is indeed a very beautiful breed, but popularity has played a cruel joke with it. In pursuit of profit, unscrupulous breeders violate the rules of mating, as a result of which they receive offspring of poor quality in appearance and health. Nurseries should be carefully selected. The cost of a kitten is from a conditional thousand to 20 thousand rubles.

  2. Scottish Fold and Scottish Straight. Cats with puppet faces of cartoon owl. You want to put such a cute creature on your knees and stroke it … But, as a rule, the Scots are quite independent and decide for themselves when to approach the owner for a portion of affection. The breed has not yet been spoiled by breeders as much as the British one, nevertheless, the rating of nurseries should be studied in advance. The cost is 5-20 thousand rubles.

  3. Siberian. It is believed that these cats originated from wild forest cats in Siberia. Aboriginal breed. Very common. So familiar to everyone that sometimes all large long-haired cats are called Siberian. However, real Siberians are slightly inferior in size even to Maine Coons. Adult cats often reach a weight of 10 or more kilograms. From distant ancestors they inherited a well-developed hunter’s instinct. Such a cat will save a country house from rodents. But in the apartment, it is better for the owners to put special nets on the windows – otherwise, when they see a flying bird, the pet can jump and fall out of the window.

    A phenotypic kitten can also be found for free, according to the announcement, a baby with a pedigree will cost 10-15 thousand rubles.

  4. Maine Coon. Solid size and “animal” appearance, coupled with tassels on the ears and a raccoon tail, conquered Russian cat lovers very quickly. Quite recently, coons were exotic, but now it will not be difficult to buy a kitten. But, I must say, because of the commercialization of reproduction, they were somewhat crushed. Although they are still larger than their counterparts, there are very few real giants, “as in the photo”. It is believed that coons love to swim, which is uncharacteristic for representatives of the cat family.

    A kitten will cost 15-25 thousand rubles.

  5. Sphinxes (Don, Canadian, St. Petersburg). The famous “naked” cats are the object of admiration of some people and almost hatred of others. Perhaps no breed evokes such emotions! No longer rare, but still exotic. Of course, these alien creatures can only live at home. Leathery, folded, velvety warm cats are amazingly attached to a person! And they do not lose hair during molting and are considered hypoallergenic. True, they love warmth very much, and in the cold season it is not at all forbidden to put on a blouse or sweater for your pet.

    Prices for a kitten without wool – from 10 to 30 thousand rubles.

  6. Rex (Cornish, Devon). These owners of a unique astrakhan fur coat are distinguished by their attachment to a person. In some ways, they are a little bit of a dog – they will follow you on your heels and beg for delicious pieces. If you want to have a cat that can be walked on a harness, this is the way to go. Plus unusual, exotic beauty, slenderness, cleanliness, problem-free coat and peaceful character – Rex get along well with dogs and other pets. Due to the special structure of the paws, Rex should trim their claws, which are poorly retracted. The cost of a curly handsome man is 15-30 thousand rubles.

  7. Persian (as well as exotic). These breeds are not at all adapted to life on the street and to an independent life in general. Do you want a companion cat? This is the right option. Fluffy, with chic hair or short-haired, with a flattened muzzle of a Pekingese and huge eyes, they will be – what is there! – and the decoration of the apartment, if not lazy and take care of the coat, and, most importantly, a little unfussy affectionate friend who loves the owner’s company.

    The price of a kitten is from 5 to 20 thousand rubles.

  8. Neva Masquerade. “If a cat is blue-eyed, then she will not be denied anything.” Princess cat. The sophistication of the Siamese, combined with the wonderful coat and cozy constitution of the Siberians (the founders of this rather young breed) made this breed very popular. Actually, everything is fine in them: a calm, confident disposition and distrust of strangers are hidden behind the angelic appearance. A kitten costs 10-20 thousand rubles.

  9. Russian blue. The most beautiful domestic breed, aristocratic cats. Brilliant blue mink coat – you can’t confuse Russian blue with anyone else. Cheerful, playful, these cats quickly won the sympathy of people not only in our country, but also abroad. Oddly enough, they are excellent mousers. There are many catteries, the choice of kittens is large.

    The price is from 5 to 20 thousand rubles.

  10. Oriental. These cats have short, smooth coats, a long muzzle, large eyes (usually with an arrogant squint) and surprisingly sized ears. The animal is very graceful, the paws and tail are long, the constitution is light – a cat-ballerina. But the Orientals have another (at least) artistic talent – most of them have a truly Chaliapin bass. Uninformed people will never believe that such an ephemeral creature makes such loud sounds at low frequencies. The price of such a pet is 15-25 thousand rubles.

Photo: Collection

April 1 2019

Updated: 19 May 2022

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