Tips for grooming your dog

Tips for grooming your dog

Healthy skin and coat are important components in maintaining a dog’s health. The amount of grooming your dog needs can vary, but all dogs need the right grooming regimen.

Grooming services to consider:

  • Check with pet owners, your veterinarian, or a consultant at your local specialized pet store.
  • Experienced groomers are highly educated and familiar with your dog’s needs and breed. They can also clean her ears and trim her nails.
  • You can provide full care for your dog on your own, or you can do only part of the procedures at home with occasional visits to the groomer. This is a great opportunity to spend time with your dog. Most pets enjoy the attention they get from a good brushing.

Type of healthy coat: a healthy coat will be soft and relatively smooth even in dogs with short or wavy coats. The coat should be shiny, but not greasy or strong smelling.

Type of unhealthy coat: unhealthy coat is dry and brittle with a lot of loose hairs on its cover. The coat itself can be greasy, have an untidy appearance, bald spots and an unpleasant oily smell.

Brushing is the most important part of dog grooming:

  • Long-haired breeds of dogs – such as Irish Setters, Border Collies, Shelties and Spitz – need to be brushed twice a week.
  • Dogs that are prone to shedding or have a thick undercoat should be brushed once a week.
  • Even short-haired dogs benefit from regular brushing to remove loose hair.

For combing, you need the appropriate tools. There are as many types of combs as there are types of coats for dogs. Ideally, you will need two brushes: one with sparse teeth for the guard hair and a comb with many teeth for combing, including the hair around the muzzle. You can also ask your veterinarian or groomer for advice.

Dogs can do without bathing. “Doggy odor” is mainly caused by the accumulation of bacteria and lipids on the dog’s coat. Bathing will eliminate this problem.

Be careful with washing too often. This can lead to dry skin and irritation. Don’t wash your dog more than once a month, unless it’s very dirty. Also, don’t use shampoo meant for humans. Baby shampoo is safe and does not irritate the eyes, but it is so gentle that it does not remove heavy dirt or sebum. Ideally, purchase dog washes that are appropriate for your pet’s breed. You can buy these products from your veterinarian or pet store.

Nutrition is the most important thing. One of the most important aspects of maintaining a healthy coat is nutrition. Hair is mostly made up of protein. The better your dog’s diet, the better his coat. Foods rich in essential fatty acids are especially beneficial for a dog’s coat. If your pet is showing signs of a coat or skin problem, it could be due to the food he is getting and the lack of nutrients needed to maintain a healthy dog ​​coat. Hill’s offers a complete line of products to help maintain healthy skin and coat. Ask your veterinarian about Hill’s foods Science Plan и Prescription Diet.

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