The puppy is afraid to eat from a bowl
Some owners say that the puppy is afraid to eat from a bowl. Why does the pet flatly refuse to approach the bowl or eat from it?

There are several possible reasons.
The bowl may not be well positioned. For example, a puppy, when eating, has its back to everyone else. Or they often walk past it. Not all dogs are sensitive to this, but it is possible that the location of the bowl does not suit your baby.
Some puppies, especially shy ones, refuse to eat from rattling bowls. For example, metal.
It happens that the puppy was frightened and connected the frightening situation with the bowl. For example, a bowl fell on him from a stand. Or something fell and rumbled nearby while he ate.
Sometimes refusal to eat from a bowl is not due to fear. For example, the bowl may not be the right size and the puppy may not be comfortable eating from it.
Or the bowl has an unpleasant smell (for example, from detergent).
And sometimes it’s not that the puppy is afraid of the bowl, but that he has a generally poor appetite. In this case, first of all, you should make sure that there are no health problems.
Also, sometimes the dog prefers to eat from the hands, and not from the bowl, because it is more fun and is associated with attention from the owner. And here, too, the reason is not fear.
What to do, you ask?
Find out the cause and work directly with it. For example, if the bowl is not well placed, move it to a more convenient place. Replace unsuitable pan. And so on, each reason requires its solution.
If you can’t find the cause or eliminate it yourself, you can seek help from a specialist and work together to find ways to solve the problem.