Is the training of castrated and uncastrated males different?

Is the training of castrated and uncastrated males different?

It is well studied how castration affects the health of the dog. However, much less is known about the effect of castration on dog behavior and training. Is the training of castrated and uncastrated males different?

Is the training of castrated and uncastrated males different?

The behavior of a dog depends not only on hormones, but also, to no lesser extent, on the behavior that the dog has already learned. And sometimes habits become even more important than hormonal factors.

There is no data on the effect of castration on working qualities. A study comparing two groups of dogs neutered at different ages found no difference in learning ability. By the way, guide dogs and many other working dogs are castrated almost without exception.

However, neutered males are less responsive to stimuli and calm down more quickly. However, this does not mean that some other rules are used in their training. The principles of positive reinforcement, consistency and consistency are just as important to them as they are to uncastrated males.

So it cannot be said that the training of castrated males is somehow significantly different from the training of uncastrated males.

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