Good Behavior Marker

Good Behavior Marker

In the upbringing and training of dogs, various kinds of markers are used with might and main. One of the main ones is a marker of correct behavior. What is it and why is it needed?

The marker of correct behavior is a conditional signal. By itself, it does not matter to the dog. We make it meaningful for the pet.

Typically in dog training, a click of a clicker or a short word (such as “Yes”) is used as a marker of correct behavior. This marker is needed for two reasons:

  1. It makes it possible to very accurately indicate the moment of the desired behavior. This greatly facilitates the learning process, because the dog understands what exactly you are “buying”. For example, when teaching the “Sit” command, the marker sounds exactly at the moment when the dog’s food touches the floor.
  2. The right behavior marker also connects the right action and the reward. It also gives us the possibility of a temporary gap between the dog’s behavior and the bonus. For example, if a dog exhibits some behavior you want from a distance, you don’t need to teleport to pop a cookie in its mouth. You can say the marker at the right time, and then give the award.

For a dog, the correct behavior marker means: “You are a hero! And the reward will not keep you waiting!

In order for the dog to understand what exactly the marker of the correct behavior means, your task is to associate it with an unconditional reinforcer (most often this is a treat). It is necessary for the dog to form a stable connection: “Yes” (or a click of a clicker) – Delicious!

Is it possible to do without a marker of correct behavior? I guess, yes. Dogs are very intelligent creatures, and very determined to please us. But using a marker will make our requirements more understandable to the dog, which means he will learn faster, better, and your life together will become much easier. So is it worth giving up such a simple and effective tool?

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