The Best Dog Breeds for an Apartment

The Best Dog Breeds for an Apartment

What you need to know before getting a dog in an apartment? Of course, size is important, but there are other factors to consider. In order to find the perfect pet, you need to collect as much information as possible about the ideal dogs to keep in an apartment.

This guide will help you learn about everything you need to consider before bringing your pet into your apartment. Hill’s experts – about the nature of dogs, their physical characteristics, energy level and breed.

The Best Dog Breeds for an Apartment

Dogs for an apartment: planning

Living together in a small area requires taking into account the needs of both the animal and its owner. First, you need to make sure the property is dog-friendly and find out if there are any size restrictions for pets. Then you should estimate whether the apartment has enough space for two or even more tenants. 

A dog does not need a lot of living space, provided that it has somewhere to sleep, eat and stretch well. However, pets need exercise. It is important to assess whether there are places for walking and areas for dogs nearby.

If the owner lives on the third floor of a three-story building, he will have to go up and down the stairs several times a day to walk his pet. Keep in mind that while this is a great way to give your four-legged friend some exercise, dogs with arthritis or other limb or hip problems will have a hard time climbing three flights of stairs. For the same reason, large apartment buildings with elevators can create problems for pets who go to the toilet frequently. Although the elevator rides and waiting are conducive to interacting with the neighbors, the dog can have an “accident” during this time.

Domestic dogs for an apartment: their character and behavior

Life in small spaces is not suitable for every pet. Before you take your dog into the house, you need to spend some time with him to make sure that he is suitable for living in an apartment. For example, animals that tend to bark would not be the best candidates for keeping in an apartment building. In the absence of the owner, the vociferous dog can bark all day long, causing discontent of the neighbors. Even worse, such a pet can bark at any suspicious sound, even when the owner is at home.

The most trouble-free dog for an apartment is one that can get along with other animals and people. When living in an apartment building, the ability of a pet to communicate with neighbors will be a valuable quality. It is unlikely that anyone will like it if the dog snaps at other animals in the stairwell or cringes in fear at the sight of a neighbor passing by on the landing.

Consistent dog training can help with behavioral problems, including running away at the sight of strangers or aggression towards other dogs. However, it is worth thinking about this in advance – how well the owner will be able to cope with such problems. 

In addition, an apartment dog may benefit from visiting a pet daycare a few days a week. This will keep her active, create opportunities for communication and provide a change of scenery. You can also hire a walker who will take care of the pet while the owner is at work.

The Best Dog Breeds for an Apartment

The Best Dogs for an Apartment

Not only small dogs are suitable for living in an apartment. When choosing a pet for an apartment, it is much more important to take into account its energy level, character and physical needs. So, some large breeds of dogs have a calm disposition and feel good in small spaces.

At the same time, it is possible to single out breeds of dogs for an apartment that adapt better than others. Popular breeds include the Bichon Frize, French Bulldog, Greyhound, and Pug. At the same time, not only purebred dogs become excellent four-legged cohabitants. Employees of the local shelter can pick up a pet that matches the character and lifestyle of the future owner. In fact, if you adopt a dog from a shelter, it will be easier for a person to understand how he reacts to being in a small space or in a cage all day long and how he interacts with people and other animals, because in the shelter it is part of everyday life.

A dog in the house will completely change life, therefore, before inviting a pet into your apartment and into your future, you must definitely get to know him better. After a simple training and making the necessary preparations, soon enough it will be possible to accept a new four-legged friend in your apartment.

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