How to make a ramp for a dog with your own hands

How to make a ramp for a dog with your own hands

If your pet needs help using stairs or getting up and down from heights, a DIY dog ramp can be a great solution.

Why do you need a ladder-ramp for dogs

A durable DIY pet ramp can be useful in a number of cases. It is useful for small pets, as well as older dogs с health problems, injury, or other mobility difficulties.

This device will help them climb on and off the bed and other furniture, climb stairs, get in and out of the car. While ladders are a popular tool for helping small dogs climb from the floor to any furniture, the gentle slope of the ramp is more suitable for dogs that have joint problems or may have difficulty climbing stairs.

There are plenty of commercial options available in stores, but it’s easy enough to build a ladder and bedside ramp for dogs yourself. It is not necessary to assemble a complex structure – in some cases something as simple as a sheet of plywood supported by cement blocks might be fine. The main thing is to make sure that they are securely fastened and that the ramp will not budge when the pet is on it.

How to make a ramp for a dog with your own hands

The safety of the animal should always be your top priority. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a sufficiently massive and durable structure that can withstand the weight of the dog. In addition, it is important that the surface of the ramp is not slippery. To do this, you can put a carpet so that the pet does not slip and fall.

The design of a homemade ramp for dogs from Instructables inexpensive, lightweight and portable. This device can be used both indoors and outdoors. And the option described below easily adapts to the size and weight of the dog and ensures its safety.

What you need

  • Two steel wire mesh shelves 1,8 m long with hanger bar.
  • Rubber plugs for protruding elements.
  • Carpet size 0,5 by 1,8 m.
  • Clamps-ties.
  • An awl or any tool to pierce the carpet.
  • Scissors or stationery knife.

Ramp assembly

  1. Place two prepared mesh shelves next to each other so that the back edges of the shelves are in contact, and the crossbars for the coat hanger look in different directions and up. They will serve as small safety rails to keep the dog’s paws from slipping off the ramp.
  2. Put rubber plugs on the protruding elements of the shelves and fasten the shelves in the center with ties.
  3. Lay the carpet on the shelves face up. An awl or other sharp tool should be used to make holes large enough to secure the ties at varying intervals along the main support rods. Ties should be used to secure the carpet.
  4. Fold the outer edges of the carpet under the outer joists and continue laying the carpet until it is fully secured.
  5. Use scissors or a utility knife to cut the ends of the ties. Sharp edges should be turned away from the place where the dog will step on its paws, and the person will take it with his hand.

Such a ramp design will be able to support a small to medium-sized dog weighing up to about 27 kg. It can also be adapted for a larger dog by simply spreading the shelves a few centimeters and using a wider rug. You can mount a third shelf without hanger bars under the first two in the center to provide extra support for larger breeds.

Building a ramp for a dog is not at all difficult and not expensive. The pet, in turn, will definitely appreciate the mobility that even the simplest such device will provide him.

See also:

  • How to make a cozy dog ​​bed
  • How to make a playground for the dog near the house?
  • Homemade foldable travel bowl for dogs

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