How to know if your pet is safe at a dog daycare

How to know if your pet is safe at a dog daycare

Meeting your pet after a long day is one of the best experiences in the world. But when the owner needs to go back to work or school, his heart breaks because of the need to leave the dog alone. Is a dog daycare suitable for a pet? And is it safe there?

If the dog is left alone at home for 6-8 hours every day, daycare can be a great way out for him. However, it is important to explore the various options in order to choose the most suitable one. How kindergartens for dogs work and how you can understand if the pet likes the garden – further.

What is a dog daycare

While dogs’ needs for socialization, mental stimulation, and exercise can vary by temperament and age, everyone agrees that spending too much time alone is bad for any dog’s health. If the owner works long hours, travels frequently, or has an active social life that sometimes prevents them from devoting much time to their pet, a dog daycare might be worth considering.

How to know if your pet is safe at a dog daycare

This is a good option for busy owners who want their pet’s days to be as busy as their own. Similar to a daycare for kids, a similar facility for dogs provides socialization, socialization, exercise, and more. The benefits of dog daycare are obvious: The ability to socialize and play with other dogs, mental stimulation, a daily routine that addresses separation anxiety and boredom, exercise, and avoiding strangers in your home.

The first step is to explore local kindergartens – near the house or near work, and then make an introductory visit. You can watch the work of the kindergarten before you arrange your dog there. The cleanliness of the premises, the behavior of the staff and safety measures are important. It should also be clarified how the process of registering pets takes place in kindergarten. It is best to choose several gardens and take your pet on a tour to each of them.

How to tell if your dog likes kindergarten

Before answering this question, it is important to establish a convenient and reliable ritual for attending kindergarten. It will be used to bring the dog to kindergarten, say goodbye to him, pick him up from there, bring him home and spend time with him. After the pet gets used to this ritual, you need to observe its behavior. The following signs may indicate that a dog likes kindergarten:

  • She perks up when the owner mentions going to daycare.

  • In the morning, when it is time to leave the house, he shows joyful excitement.

  • Behaves calmly or joyfully when the owner comes to the kindergarten.

  • Responds positively to kindergarten staff.


  • She looks happy and tired when she comes home.

  • Relaxed and calm at the end of the day.

On the other hand, if the dog is showing signs of stress or aggression, it may be time to look for a new daycare and seek veterinary help. Such conditions can be caused by rather insignificant factors, for example, the fact that the premises or staff do not suit the pet perfectly enough. Perhaps in another place the dog will feel much more comfortable. This behavior can also indicate more serious problems that require a visit to the veterinarian, such as an anxiety disorder that needs to be treated.

Dog daycare is a great option for busy owners who want their pets to have active and fun days. A veterinarian or local pet care professional can recommend one of these establishments if needed.

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