Aquarium Fish Species


Catfish Synodontis or Synodonty, belong to the eponymous genus of fish Synodontis in the family Mochokidae (Fringed catfish). They originate from the African continent, inhabiting the river systems of Central and West Africa in the equatorial and subequatorial climatic zones. They live in regions with silty substrates with an abundance of aquatic vegetation, where they hide at the bottom among numerous snags.

They differ in relatively small sizes, mostly up to 30 cm, and lead a sedentary lifestyle, due to which they can be maintained in relatively small aquariums from 200–300 liters. Outwardly similar to each other, they have a massive body with large fins. The coloring is varied with a contrasting pattern. They are easy to keep: they perfectly adapt to different environments, are unpretentious in their diet, eat everything they can find. Peaceful, compatible with other species and safe for small fish. All of the above can be attributed to the advantages of these fish, which led to their wide distribution in amateur and professional aquarism.

They have one interesting ability – to make squeaking sounds. When Synodontis is frightened, for example, if it is taken out of the water, it begins to “creak” with the help of the hard first rays of the pectoral fins.

Striped Synodontis

Striped Synodontis or Orange Squeaker Catfish, scientific name Synodontis flavitaeniatus, belongs to the Mochokidae family

Spotted Synodontis

Synodontis Spotted Synodontis, scientific name Synodontis ocellifer, belongs to the family Mochokidae

Synodontis Alberta

Synodontis Synodontis Alberta, Highfin Synodontis or Big Eyed Synodontis, scientific name Synodontis alberti, belongs to the family Mochokidae

Synodontis Angel

Synodontis Synodontis Angel, Polka Dot Synodontis or Squeaker Catfish, scientific name Synodontis angelicus, belongs to the family Mochokidae

Synodontis veil

Synodontis veil or Synodontis eupterus (Synodontis eupterus) belongs to a group of catfish that often swim upside down

Synodontis Congo

Synodontis Greshoff’s Synodontis or Kongo’s Synodontis, scientific name Synodontis greshoffi, belongs to the Mochokidae family

Synodontis Lotti

Synodontis Synodontis waterloti, scientific name Synodontis waterloti, belongs to the family Mochokidae

Synodontis marble

Synodontis Synodontis marbled or Synodontis Shoutedena, scientific name Synodontis schoutedeni, belongs to the family Mochokidae


Synodontis Domino Synodontis or Single Point Synodont, scientific name Synodontis notatus, belongs to the Mochokidae family

Synodontis the Clown

Synodontis Flag Synodontis or Clown Synodontis, scientific name Synodontis decorus, belongs to the Mochokidae family

catfish cuckoo

Synodontis Cuckoo catfish or Synodontis cuckoo, scientific name Synodontis multipunctatus, belongs to the family Mochokidae

Changeling Catfish

The shifting catfish, scientific name Synodontis nigriventris, belongs to the family Mochokidae

Synodontis the Clown

Synodontis Snodontis Brichardi, scientific name Synodontis brichardi, belongs to the family Mochokidae (Cinnate Catfish)

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