spectacled cockatoo
Bird Breeds

spectacled cockatoo

Spectacled cockatoo (Cacatua ophthalmica)







spectacled cockatoo

In the photo: spectacled cockatoo. Photo: wikimedia.org


Appearance and description of the spectacled cockatoo

The spectacled cockatoo is a short-tailed parrot with a body length of about 50 cm and a weight of up to 570 g. Both sexes are colored the same. The main color of the body of the spectacled cockatoo is white, in the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe ears, the undertail and the area under the wings are yellowish. The crest is rather long, yellow-orange. The periorbital ring is rather thick and devoid of feathers, bright blue. The beak is powerful black-gray. Paws are grey.

How to tell male and female spectacled cockatoo? Male spectacled cockatoos have brown-black irises, females orange-brown.

Lifespan of a spectacled cockatoo with proper care is about 40 – 50 years.

Habitat and life in nature spectacled cockatoo

The wild population of the spectacled cockatoo is about 10 individuals. The species is found in New Britain and eastern Popua New Guinea.

The species is suffering from loss of natural habitats. It is most attached to lowland forests, holding heights up to 950 meters above sea level.

In the diet of the spectacled cockatoo, plant seeds, nuts, berries, fruits, in particular figs. They eat insects.

Usually spectacled cockatoos are kept in pairs or small flocks. They are most active in the early and late hours.

spectacled cockatoo

In the photo: spectacled cockatoo. Photo: wikipedia.org

Breeding spectacled cockatoo

Spectacled cockatoos nest in hollows and tree cavities at a height of up to 30 meters.

The clutch of the spectacled cockatoo is usually 2-3 eggs. Both parents incubate for 28-30 days.

At the age of about 12 weeks, spectacled cockatoo chicks leave the nest, but for a few more weeks they stay close to their parents, and they feed them.

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