sea ​​naiad
Types of Aquarium Plants

sea ​​naiad

Sea Naiad or Mermaid Grass, scientific name Najas marina. Despite its name, this plant does not grow in sea water, although it can successfully adapt to a brackish environment. Widespread throughout the world from Asia, Europe to the Americas. It grows everywhere in stagnant bodies of water, such as lakes, swamps, backwaters of rivers, as well as estuaries – the place where the rhea flows into the sea. In favorable conditions, it forms dense aggregations along the coastline.

The plant forms a branching fragile thin stem up to 70 cm in length with evenly spaced leaves. The leaf blade has an elongated linear shape, 1–5 cm long and up to 2 mm wide, and is edged with small teeth along the edge.

In African waters, the closely related Naiad Horrid species, also found in the aquarium hobby, grows, which has a similar appearance, but with more elongated leaves.

Naiad sea is considered unpretentious and hardy plant. When grown in an aquarium, it requires little or no maintenance other than regular thinning. Grows in all conditions, including alkaline water and low temperatures.

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