Aquarium Fish Species


Ryukin (Ryukin Goldfish – English) is considered the Japanese version of the Nymph. Both fish are bred from a common ancestor, however, this variety has a high back, often referred to as a humpback. It starts at the neck, thus giving a tapered appearance when viewed from the side. The body itself is short, rounded, the caudal fin is divided in two. There is a variant with very long fins called the Longtail Ryukin. The color can be different, monophonic – red, orange, white, as well as with a combination of several colors. For example, white coloration is widespread with numerous irregularly shaped spots of orange, red or brown hues.


A very hardy species, able to successfully adapt to various conditions, including open water in ponds. Withstand a gradual decrease in temperature to 3-4°C. It can be recommended for beginner aquarists as a first fish. Neighbors in the aquarium should be selected among similar varieties of Goldfish or among other slow-moving fish species.

Read more about the features of keeping and caring for Goldfish in the section “Common Goldfish”.

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